W3.CSS Examples

W3.CSS Examples




W3.CSS Colors

Background Colors
Text Colors
Hover Colors

Examples explained

W3.CSS Containers

Containers with color
Container header using <div>
Container header using <header>
Container footer using <div>
Container footer using <footer>
Container <article> and <section>
Container with <div> elements
Container with semantic elements
Container padding
Container with headers and paragraphs

Examples explained

W3.CSS Borders

Colored borders
Rounded borders
Thick borders
Hoverable borders

Examples explained

W3.CSS Panels

Panel notes
Panel quotes
Panel alerts
Panel cards
Panel round
Hide/close a panel
Show/Open a panel

Examples explained

W3.CSS Cards

Colored cards
Card content
Photo cards
Hoverable cards
Avatar card with buttons
Avatar card with full-width button
Card Widgets

Examples explained

W3.CSS Fonts

Font-size classes
Override the W3.CSS defaults
Change the default page font
How to use a font class
How to use external fonts
External google font: lobster
Font effects
Font effects 2

Examples explained

W3.CSS Text

Text alignment
Center elements
Wide text
Text shadow
Text opacity
Text special effects

Examples explained

W3.CSS Round

Round classes
Circle class
Text inside a circle
Circle inside a circle
Circle inside a circle 2

Examples explained

W3.CSS Padding

Padding number classes
Padding size classes

Examples explained

W3.CSS Margins

Margin on all sides
Margin top
Margin bottom
Margin left
Margin right
Margin sections

Examples explained

W3.CSS Display

Display container
Display container with padding
Display container for image
Displaying a flag
Floating classes
Hide and show classes
Toggle hide and show

Examples explained

W3.CSS Buttons

Button colors
Hover colors
Button shapes
Button sizes
Button borders
Buttons with text effects
Buttons with wide text effects
Padded buttons
Left and right buttons
Full-width buttons
Disabled buttons
Button groups on the same line
Button bars
Buttons with ripple effects

Examples explained

W3.CSS Notes

Grey with rounded borders
Pale blue with left and right bar
Pale red with left bar
Pale yellow with border
Pale green with border and bottom bar
Yellow with top and bottom bar

Examples explained

W3.CSS Quotes

Large quotes
Custom quotes 1
Custom quotes 2
Custom quotes 3
Black quote
Quotes as cards
Quotes as cards 2

Examples explained

W3.CSS Alerts

Basic alerts
Closable alerts
Rounded alerts
Alert cards

Examples explained

W3.CSS Tables

Basic table
Bordered table (horizontal dividers)
Striped table
Bordered striped table
Borders around the table
Table all (combines stripes, borders, etc)
Flipping the stripes
Centered table
Table with a colored heading
Table colors
Hoverable table (grey color)
Specific hoverable table color
Table card
Responsive table
Tiny table
Small table
Large table
xLarge table
xxLarge table
xxxLarge table
Jumbo table

Examples explained

W3.CSS Lists

Basic list
Bordered list
List header
List card
Centered list
Colored list
Colored list item
Hoverable list (grey color)
Specific hoverable list color
Closable list
Padded list
Avatar list
Tiny list
Small list
Large list
xLarge list
xxLarge list
xxxLarge list
Jumbo list

Examples explained

W3.CSS Images

Rounded image
Circled image
Bordered image
Image card
Image text
Responsive image
Responsive image with max width
Image opacity
Image grayscale
Image sepia
Image hover effects
Image opacity off
Photo Album

Examples explained

W3.CSS Inputs

Top labels
Bottom labels
Input cards
Colored labels
Bordered inputs
Rounded borders
Borderless input
Colored inputs
Hoverable inputs
Animated inputs
Radio buttons
Select menu
Bordered select menu
Form elements in a three-column grid
Two-column layout with labels

Examples explained

W3.CSS Badges

Colored Badges
Badges in buttons
Badges in lists I
Badges in lists II
Badges in tables
Large badges
UTF-8 badges

Examples explained

W3.CSS Tags, Labels, and Signs

Tags and labels
Colored tags
Large tags
Tags as letters
Tags in a row
Tag as a sign
Road signs
Large signs
Large signs 2
Rounded signs
Rotated tags
Spinning tags

Examples explained

W3.CSS Icons

Font awesome icons
Google material design icons
Bootstrap icons

Examples explained

W3.CSS Responsive

The w3-half class
The w3-third class
The w3-twothird class
The w3-quarter class
The w3-threequarter class
Nested rows (w3-half inside w3-half)
Columns using w3-rest
Columns using percent
The w3-content class
Difference between w3-row and w3-row-padding

Examples explained

W3.CSS Animate

Top animation
Bottom animation
Left animation
Right animation
Fading animation
Fading infinite animation
Zoom animation
Spin animation
Fade all

Examples explained

W3.CSS Dropdowns

Hoverable dropdown menu
Hoverable dropdown
Dropdown in navbar
Clickable dropdown menu
Image dropdown
Card dropdown
Animated dropdown
Right-aligned dropdown

Examples explained

W3.CSS Accordions

Basic accordion
Accordion buttons
Active accordion
Accordion width
Accordion links
Accordion card with lists
Accordion and dropdown in sidebar
Animated accordion

Examples explained

W3.CSS Navigation

Basic navigation
Colored bar
Bordered bar
Active link in bar
Hoverable bar links
Right-aligned links
Bar font-size
Bar padding
Bar width
Bar icons
Bar with input
Bar with dropdown
Bar with an active dropdown and icon
Bar with clickable dropdown
Top bar
Bottom bar
Collapsible bar

Examples explained

W3.CSS Sidebar

Basic sidebar (always displayed)
Collapsible sidebar
Sidebar hiding a part of the page content
Sidebar hiding all page content
Sidebar shift content to the right
Sidebar color
Bordered sidebar
Bottom bordered sidebar (dividers)
Sidebar card
Hoverable sidebar links (background color)
Hoverable sidebar links (text color)
Sidebar size
Sidebar with icons (icon bar)
Sidebar with dropdown
Sidebar with accordion
Animated sidebar
Sidebar with overlay effect
Sidebar with content

Examples explained

W3.CSS Tabs

Basic tab
Active/current tab
Vertical tab
Animated tab content
Tabbed image gallery
Tabs in a grid

Examples explained

W3.CSS Pagination

Basic pagination
Pagination arrows
Active pagination link
Pagination hover color
Pagination size
Bordered pagination
Rounded bordered pagination
Centered pagination
Next/previous pagination arrows
Pagination menu

Examples explained

W3.CSS Progress Bars

Basic progress bar
Progress bar width
Progress bar sizes
Progress bar colors
Rounded progress bars
Progress bar labels
Dynamic progress bar
Dynamic progress bar with centered label
Dynamic progress bar with left-aligned label
Dynamic progress bar with label placed outside

Examples explained

W3.CSS Slideshow

Manual slideshow with images
Automatic slideshow with images
Automatic HTML slides
Slideshow captions
Slideshow indicators with numbers and prev/next buttons
Slideshow indicators with icons and bullets
Images as indicators
Animated slides
Automatic slideshow with infinite fading

Examples explained

W3.CSS Modal

Basic modal (dialog box/popup window)
Modal with containers
Modal card
Animated modal
Fade in modal
Modal image
Modal image gallery
Modal login form
Modal tab
How to close the modal
Modal lightbox (modal image gallery)

Examples explained

W3.CSS Tooltips

Inline tooltip text
Inline tooltip tag
Tooltip text before a hoverable image
Tooltip text after a hoverable image
Absolute tooltip
Colored tooltip
Rounded tooltip
Small tooltip
Large tooltip

Examples explained

W3.CSS Responsive Grid

Fluid grid demonstration
Two equal columns
Two unequal columns
Three equal columns
Three unequal columns
Six equal columns
Mixed: Mobile and Laptops
Mixed: Mobile, Tablets and Laptops
Difference between w3-row and w3-row-padding
Columns using w3-rest
Columns using percent

Examples explained

W3.CSS Code

Displaying examples
Displaying code
Displaying colored HTML
Displaying colored CSS
Displaying colored JavaScript code
Displaying inline code (w3-codespan)

Examples explained

W3.CSS Filters

Filter Tables
Filter Lists
Filter Dropdowns (click)
Filter Dropdowns (hover)

Examples explained