Bootstrap Examples

Bootstrap Examples

Bootstrap Get Started

Fluid container

Examples explained

Bootstrap Grid Basic

Three equal columns
Two unequal columns

Examples explained

Bootstrap Typography

Headings <h1> to <h6>
The <small> element
The <mark> element
The <abbr> element
The <blockquote> element
Reversed blockquote
The <dl> element
The <code> element
The <kbd> element
The <pre> element
Contextual text colors
Contextual background colors

Examples explained

Bootstrap Tables

Basic table
Striped rows
Bordered table
Hover rows
Condensed table
Contextual classes
Responsive tables

Examples explained

Bootstrap Images

Rounded image
Circle image
Thumbnail image
Responsive images
Image gallery
Responsive embeds

Examples explained

Bootstrap Jumbotron

Jumbotron inside container
Jumbotron outside container
Creating a page header

Examples explained

Bootstrap Wells

Basic well
Well size

Examples explained

Bootstrap Alerts

Closing alerts
Animated alerts

Examples explained

Bootstrap Buttons

Button styles
Button tags
Button sizes
Block level buttons
Active/disabled buttons

Examples explained

Bootstrap Button Groups

Button group
Button group sizes
Vertical button group
Justified button group
Justified button group 2
Nesting button groups and dropdown menus
Split buttons

Examples explained

Bootstrap Glyphicons


Examples explained

Bootstrap Badges and Labels

Badge inside a button
Contextual labels

Examples explained

Bootstrap Progress Bars

Progress bar
Progress bar with label
Colored progress bar
Striped progress bar
Animated progress bar
Stacked progress bar

Examples explained

Bootstrap Pagination

Active pagination link
Disabled pagination link
Pagination sizing

Examples explained

Bootstrap Pager

Align buttons

Examples explained

Bootstrap List Groups

List group
List group with badges
List group with links
Active list item
Disabled list item
Contextual classes
Custom content

Examples explained

Bootstrap Panels

Panel heading
Panel footer
Panel group
Contextual panel classes

Examples explained

Bootstrap Dropdowns

Dropdown divider
Dropdown header
Disabled dropdown item
Right-aligned dropdown menu
Dropdown accessibility

Examples explained

Bootstrap Collapsible

Collapsible button
Collapsible link
Collapsible "in" (show by default)
Collapsible panel
Collapsible list group

Examples explained

Bootstrap Tabs and Pills

Inline list
Tabs with dropdown menu
Vertical pills
Vertical pills in a row
Pills with dropdown menu
Centered tabs and pills
Toggleable/dynamic tabs
Toggleable/dynamic pills

Examples explained

Bootstrap Navbar

Inverted navbar
Fixed top navbar
Fixed bottom navbar
Navbar with dropdown
Right-aligned navbar
Collapsible navbar

Examples explained

Bootstrap Forms

Vertical form
Inline form
Inline form without labels
Horizontal form

Examples explained

Bootstrap Inputs

Inline checkbox
Radio buttons
Inline radio buttons
Select menu

Examples explained

Bootstrap Inputs 2

Static control
Control states
Inline form: control states

Examples explained

Bootstrap Input Sizing

Input sizing
Input sizing horizontal label
Input width (columns)
Input help text

Examples explained

Bootstrap Media Objects

Left and right-aligned media object
Top, middle and bottom-aligned media object
Nested media object
Nested media object II

Examples explained

Bootstrap Carousel

Caption slides

Examples explained

Bootstrap Modal

Small modal
Large modal

Examples explained

Bootstrap Tooltip

Positioning tooltips

Examples explained

Bootstrap Popover

Positioning popovers
Dismissable popover
Hoverable popover

Examples explained

Bootstrap Scrollspy

Horizontal scrollspy
Vertical scrollspy

Examples explained

Bootstrap Affix

Horizontal affix
Vertical affix
Scrollspy and affix (horizontal)
Scrollspy and affix (vertical)

Examples explained

Bootstrap Filters

Filter table
Filter list
Filter dropdown
Filter anything

Examples explained

Bootstrap Grid: Stacked to Horizontal

Stacked to horizontal grid
Stacked to horizontal grid with fluid container

Examples explained

Bootstrap Grid: Small Devices

Small grid
Small grid

Examples explained

Bootstrap Grid: Medium Devices

Medium grid
Medium grid 2

Examples explained

Bootstrap Grid: Large Devices

Medium grid
Medium grid 2

Examples explained

Bootstrap Grid Examples

Three equal columns
Three unequal columns
Two unequal columns
Two columns with two nested columns
Mixed columns: mobile and desktop
Mixed columns: mobile, tablet and desktop
Clear floats
Offsetting columns
Push and Pull - Change column order

Examples explained