HTML DOM accessKey Property

HTML DOM accessKey Property

❮ Element Object


Set the access key of a link:

document.getElementById("myAnchor").accessKey = "w";
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Definition and Usage

The accessKey property sets or returns the accesskey attribute of an element.

The accesskey attribute specifies a shortcut key to activate/focus an element.

Note: The way of accessing the shortcut key is varying in different browsers:

Browser Windows Linux Mac
Internet Explorer [Alt] + accesskey N/A
Chrome [Alt] + accesskey [Alt] + accesskey [Control] [Alt] + accesskey
Firefox [Alt] [Shift] + accesskey [Alt] [Shift] + accesskey [Control] [Alt] + accesskey
Safari [Alt] + accesskey N/A [Control] [Alt] + accesskey
Opera Opera 15 or newer: [Alt] + accesskey
Opera 12.1 or older: [Shift] [Esc] + accesskey

However, in most browsers the shortcut key can be set to another combination of keys.

Tip: The behavior if more than one element has the same access key differs:

  • IE, Firefox: The next element with the pressed access key will be activated
  • Chrome, Safari: The last element with the pressed access key will be activated
  • Opera: The first element with the pressed access key will be activated

Browser Support

accessKey Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes


Return the accessKey property:


Set the accessKey property:

HTMLElementObject.accessKey = character

Property Values

Value Description
character Specifies the shortcut key to activate/focus the element

Technical Details

Return Value: A character from the keyboard

More Examples


Get the accesskey of a link:

var x = document.getElementById("myAnchor").accessKey;
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Related Pages

HTML Reference: HTML accesskey Attribute

❮ Element Object