JavaScript setUTCSeconds() Method

JavaScript setUTCSeconds() Method

❮ JavaScript Date Object


Set the seconds to 35, according to UTC time:

var d = new Date();
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Definition and Usage

The setUTCSeconds() method sets the seconds of a date object, according to UTC time time.

This method can also be used to set the milliseconds.

Tip: The Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) is the time set by the World Time Standard.

Note: UTC time is the same as GMT time.

Browser Support

setUTCSeconds() Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes


Date.setUTCSeconds(sec, millisec)

Parameter Values

Parameter Description
sec Required. An integer representing the seconds

Expected values are 0-59, but other values are allowed:

  • -1 will result in the last second of the previous minute
  • 60 will result in the first second of the next minute
millisec Optional. An integer representing the milliseconds

Expected values are 0-999, but other values are allowed:

  • -1 will result in the last millisecond of the previous second
  • 1000 will result in the first millisecond of the next second

Technical Details

Return Value: A Number, representing the number of milliseconds between the date object and midnight January 1 1970
JavaScript Version: ECMAScript 1

More Examples


Set both the seconds and milliseconds, according to UTC:

var d = new Date();
d.setUTCSeconds(35, 825);
var n = d.getUTCSeconds() + ":" + d.getUTCMilliseconds();
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❮ JavaScript Date Object