MS Access StrConv() Function

MS Access StrConv() Function

❮ MS Access Functions


Convert a string:

SELECT StrConv("SQL Tutorial is cool", 1) AS ConvertedString;
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Definition and Usage

The StrConv() function returns a converted string.


StrConv(string1, conversion, LCID)

Parameter Values

Parameter Description
string1 Required. The string to convert
conversion Required. The type of conversion to perform.

Possible values:
1: Converts the string to upper-case
2: Converts the string to lower-case
3: Converts the first letter of every word to upper-case. All other characters are lower-case
64: Converts the string to Unicode
128: Converts the string from Unicode to the default system code page
LCID Optional. If omitted, the StrConv() function assumes the system LocaleID


  • If string1 is equal to string2, the StrComp function will return 0
  • If string1 is less than string2, the StrComp function will return -1
  • If string1 is greater than string2, the StrComp function will return 1
  • If either string1 or string2 is null, the StrComp function will return null

Technical Details

Works in: Access 2016, Access 2013, Access 2010, Access 2007, Access 2003, Access XP, Access 2000

More Examples


Convert a string:

SELECT StrConv("SQL Tutorial is cool", 2) AS ConvertedString;
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Convert a string:

SELECT StrConv("SQL Tutorial is cool", 3) AS ConvertedString;
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❮ MS Access Functions