modprobe.d(5) - Linux manual page


MODPROBE.D(5)                    modprobe.d                    MODPROBE.D(5)

NAME         top

       modprobe.d - Configuration directory for modprobe

SYNOPSIS         top




DESCRIPTION         top

       Because the modprobe command can add or remove more than one module,
       due to modules having dependencies, we need a method of specifying
       what options are to be used with those modules. All files underneath
       the /etc/modprobe.d directory which end with the .conf extension
       specify those options as required. They can also be used to create
       convenient aliases: alternate names for a module, or they can
       override the normal modprobe behavior altogether for those with
       special requirements (such as inserting more than one module).

       Note that module and alias names (like other module names) can have -
       or _ in them: both are interchangeable throughout all the module
       commands as underscore conversion happens automatically.

       The format of and files under modprobe.d is simple: one command per
       line, with blank lines and lines starting with '#' ignored (useful
       for adding comments). A '\' at the end of a line causes it to
       continue on the next line, which makes the file a bit neater.

COMMANDS         top

       alias wildcard modulename
           This allows you to give alternate names for a module. For
           example: "alias my-mod really_long_modulename" means you can use
           "modprobe my-mod" instead of "modprobe really_long_modulename".
           You can also use shell-style wildcards, so "alias my-mod*
           really_long_modulename" means that "modprobe my-mod-something"
           has the same effect. You can't have aliases to other aliases
           (that way lies madness), but aliases can have options, which will
           be added to any other options.

           Note that modules can also contain their own aliases, which you
           can see using modinfo. These aliases are used as a last resort
           (ie. if there is no real module, install, remove, or alias
           command in the configuration).

       blacklist modulename
           Modules can contain their own aliases: usually these are aliases
           describing the devices they support, such as "pci:123...". These
           "internal" aliases can be overridden by normal "alias" keywords,
           but there are cases where two or more modules both support the
           same devices, or a module invalidly claims to support a device
           that it does not: the blacklist keyword indicates that all of
           that particular module's internal aliases are to be ignored.

       install modulename command...
           This command instructs modprobe to run your command instead of
           inserting the module in the kernel as normal. The command can be
           any shell command: this allows you to do any kind of complex
           processing you might wish. For example, if the module "fred"
           works better with the module "barney" already installed (but it
           doesn't depend on it, so modprobe won't automatically load it),
           you could say "install fred /sbin/modprobe barney; /sbin/modprobe
           --ignore-install fred", which would do what you wanted. Note the
           --ignore-install, which stops the second modprobe from running
           the same install command again. See also remove below.

           The long term future of this command as a solution to the problem
           of providing additional module dependencies is not assured and it
           is intended to replace this command with a warning about its
           eventual removal or deprecation at some point in a future
           release. Its use complicates the automated determination of
           module dependencies by distribution utilities, such as mkinitrd
           (because these now need to somehow interpret what the install
           commands might be doing. In a perfect world, modules would
           provide all dependency information without the use of this
           command and work is underway to implement soft dependency support
           within the Linux kernel.

           If you use the string "$CMDLINE_OPTS" in the command, it will be
           replaced by any options specified on the modprobe command line.
           This can be useful because users expect "modprobe fred opt=1" to
           pass the "opt=1" arg to the module, even if there's an install
           command in the configuration file. So our above example becomes
           "install fred /sbin/modprobe barney; /sbin/modprobe
           --ignore-install fred $CMDLINE_OPTS"

       options modulename option...
           This command allows you to add options to the module modulename
           (which might be an alias) every time it is inserted into the
           kernel: whether directly (using modprobe modulename) or because
           the module being inserted depends on this module.

           All options are added together: they can come from an option for
           the module itself, for an alias, and on the command line.

       remove modulename command...
           This is similar to the install command above, except it is
           invoked when "modprobe -r" is run.

       softdep modulename pre: modules... post: modules...
           The softdep command allows you to specify soft, or optional,
           module dependencies.  modulename can be used without these
           optional modules installed, but usually with some features
           missing. For example, a driver for a storage HBA might require
           another module be loaded in order to use management features.

           pre-deps and post-deps modules are lists of names and/or aliases
           of other modules that modprobe will attempt to install (or
           remove) in order before and after the main module given in the
           modulename argument.

           Example: Assume "softdep c pre: a b post: d e" is provided in the
           configuration. Running "modprobe c" is now equivalent to
           "modprobe a b c d e" without the softdep. Flags such as
           --use-blacklist are applied to all the specified modules, while
           module parameters only apply to module c.

           Note: if there are install or remove commands with the same
           modulename argument, softdep takes precedence.


       A future version of kmod will come with a strong warning to avoid use
       of the install as explained above. This will happen once support for
       soft dependencies in the kernel is complete. That support will
       complement the existing softdep support within this utility by
       providing such dependencies directly within the modules.

COPYRIGHT         top

       This manual page originally Copyright 2004, Rusty Russell, IBM
       Corporation. Maintained by Jon Masters and others.

SEE ALSO         top

       modprobe(8), modules.dep(5)

AUTHORS         top

       Jon Masters <>

       Robby Workman <>

       Lucas De Marchi <>

COLOPHON         top

       This page is part of the kmod (userspace tools for managing kernel
       modules) project.  Information about the project can be found at
       [unknown -- if you know, please contact] If you
       have a bug report for this manual page, send it to  This page was obtained from the
       project's upstream Git repository
       ⟨git://⟩ on
       2018-02-02.  (At that time, the date of the most recent commit that
       was found in the repository was 2018-01-08.)  If you discover any
       rendering problems in this HTML version of the page, or you believe
       there is a better or more up-to-date source for the page, or you have
       corrections or improvements to the information in this COLOPHON
       (which is not part of the original manual page), send a mail to

kmod                             02/02/2018                    MODPROBE.D(5)

Pages that refer to this page: modprobe(8)