partx(8) - Linux manual page


PARTX(8)                    System Administration                   PARTX(8)

NAME         top

       partx  -  tell the kernel about the presence and numbering of on-disk

SYNOPSIS         top

       partx [-a|-d|-P|-r|-s|-u] [-t type] [-n M:N] [-] disk
       partx [-a|-d|-P|-r|-s|-u] [-t type] partition [disk]

DESCRIPTION         top

       Given a device or disk-image, partx tries to parse the partition
       table and list its contents.  It can also tell the kernel to add or
       remove partitions from its bookkeeping.

       The disk argument is optional when a partition argument is provided.
       To force scanning a partition as if it were a whole disk (for example
       to list nested subpartitions), use the argument "-" (hyphen-minus).
       For example:

              partx --show - /dev/sda3

       This will see sda3 as a whole-disk rather than as a partition.

       partx is not an fdisk program – adding and removing partitions does
       not change the disk, it just tells the kernel about the presence and
       numbering of on-disk partitions.

OPTIONS         top

       -a, --add
              Add the specified partitions, or read the disk and add all

       -b, --bytes
              Print the SIZE column in bytes rather than in human-readable

       -d, --delete
              Delete the specified partitions or all partitions.

       -g, --noheadings
              Do not print a header line with --show or --raw.

       -l, --list
              List the partitions.  Note that all numbers are in 512-byte
              sectors.  This output format is DEPRECATED in favour of
              --show.  Do not use it in newly written scripts.

       -n, --nr M:N
              Specify the range of partitions.  For backward compatibility
              also the format M-N is supported.  The range may contain
              negative numbers, for example --nr -1:-1 means the last
              partition, and --nr -2:-1 means the last two partitions.
              Supported range specifications are:

                     M      Specifies just one partition (e.g. --nr 3).

                     M:     Specifies the lower limit only (e.g. --nr 2:).

                     :N     Specifies the upper limit only (e.g. --nr :4).

                     M:N    Specifies the lower and upper limits (e.g. --nr

       -o, --output list
              Define the output columns to use for --show, --pairs and --raw
              output.  If no output arrangement is specified, then a default
              set is used.  Use --help to get list of all supported columns.
              This option cannot be combined with the --add, --delete,
              --update or --list options.

       -P, --pairs
              List the partitions using the KEY="value" format.

       -r, --raw
              List the partitions using the raw output format.

       -s, --show
              List the partitions.  The output columns can be selected and
              rearranged with the --output option.  All numbers (except
              SIZE) are in 512-byte sectors.

       -t, --type type
              Specify the partition table type.

              List supported partition types and exit.

       -u, --update
              Update the specified partitions.

       -S, --sector-size size
              Overwrite default sector size.

       -v, --verbose
              Verbose mode.

       -V, --version
              Display version information and exit.

       -h, --help
              Display help text and exit.

EXAMPLES         top

       partx --show /dev/sdb3
       partx --show --nr 3 /dev/sdb
       partx --show /dev/sdb3 /dev/sdb
              All three commands list partition 3 of /dev/sdb.

       partx --show - /dev/sdb3
              Lists all subpartitions on /dev/sdb3 (the device is used as

       partx -o START -g --nr 5 /dev/sdb
              Prints the start sector of partition 5 on /dev/sdb without

       partx -o SECTORS,SIZE /dev/sda5 /dev/sda
              Lists the length in sectors and human-readable size of
              partition 5 on /dev/sda.

       partx --add --nr 3:5 /dev/sdd
              Adds all available partitions from 3 to 5 (inclusive) on

       partx -d --nr :-1 /dev/sdd
              Removes the last partition on /dev/sdd.

SEE ALSO         top

       addpart(8), delpart(8), fdisk(8), parted(8), partprobe(8)

AUTHORS         top

       Davidlohr Bueso ⟨⟩
       Karel Zak ⟨⟩

       The original version was written by Andries E. Brouwer ⟨⟩.

ENVIRONMENT         top

              enables libblkid debug output.

AVAILABILITY         top

       The partx command is part of the util-linux package and is available
       from Linux Kernel Archive 

COLOPHON         top

       This page is part of the util-linux (a random collection of Linux
       utilities) project.  Information about the project can be found at 
       ⟨⟩.  If you have a
       bug report for this manual page, send it to  This page was obtained from the
       project's upstream Git repository
       ⟨git://⟩ on
       2018-02-02.  (At that time, the date of the most recent commit that
       was found in the repository was 2018-02-01.)  If you discover any
       rendering problems in this HTML version of the page, or you believe
       there is a better or more up-to-date source for the page, or you have
       corrections or improvements to the information in this COLOPHON
       (which is not part of the original manual page), send a mail to

util-linux                      December 2014                       PARTX(8)

Pages that refer to this page: addpart(8)cfdisk(8)delpart(8)fdisk(8)findfs(8)resizepart(8)sfdisk(8)