debhelper-obsolete-compat(7) - Linux manual page


debhelper(7)                      Debhelper                     debhelper(7)

NAME         top

       debhelper-obsolete-compat - List of no longer supported compat levels

SYNOPSIS         top

       This document contains the upgrade guidelines from all compat levels
       which are no longer supported.  Accordingly it is mostly for
       historical purposes and to assist people upgrading from a non-
       supported compat level to a supported level.

       For upgrades from supported compat levels, please see debhelper(7).


       The following is the list of now obsolete compat levels and their

       v1  This is the original debhelper compatibility level, and so it is
           the default one. In this mode, debhelper will use debian/tmp as
           the package tree directory for the first binary package listed in
           the control file, while using debian/package for all other
           packages listed in the control file.

           This mode is deprecated.

       v2  In this mode, debhelper will consistently use debian/package as
           the package tree directory for every package that is built.

           This mode is deprecated.

       v3  This mode works like v2, with the following additions:

           -       Debhelper config files support globbing via * and ?, when
                   appropriate. To turn this off and use those characters
                   raw, just prefix with a backslash.

           -       dh_makeshlibs makes the postinst and postrm scripts call

           -       Every file in etc/ is automatically flagged as a conffile
                   by dh_installdeb.

           This mode is deprecated.

       v4  Changes from v3 are:

           -       dh_makeshlibs -V will not include the Debian part of the
                   version number in the generated dependency line in the
                   shlibs file.

           -       You are encouraged to put the new ${misc:Depends} into
                   debian/control to supplement the ${shlibs:Depends} field.

           -       dh_fixperms will make all files in bin/ directories and
                   in etc/init.d executable.

           -       dh_link will correct existing links to conform with

           This mode is deprecated.

       v5  This is the lowest supported compatibility level.

           Changes from v4 are:

           -       Comments are ignored in debhelper config files.

           -       dh_strip --dbg-package now specifies the name of a
                   package to put debugging symbols in, not the packages to
                   take the symbols from.

           -       dh_installdocs skips installing empty files.

           -       dh_install errors out if wildcards expand to nothing.

SEE ALSO         top


AUTHORS         top

       Niels Thykier <>

       Joey Hess

COLOPHON         top

       This page is part of the debhelper (helper programs for debian/rules)
       project.  Information about the project can be found at 
       ⟨⟩.  If you
       have a bug report for this manual page, send it to  This page was obtained from the project's
       upstream Git repository
       ⟨⟩ on
       2018-02-02.  (At that time, the date of the most recent commit that
       was found in the repository was 2018-01-28.)  If you discover any
       rendering problems in this HTML version of the page, or you believe
       there is a better or more up-to-date source for the page, or you have
       corrections or improvements to the information in this COLOPHON
       (which is not part of the original manual page), send a mail to

10.10.9                          2017-11-23                     debhelper(7)