slapo-accesslog(5) - Linux manual page


SLAPO-ACCESSLOG(5)           File Formats Manual          SLAPO-ACCESSLOG(5)

NAME         top

       slapo-accesslog - Access Logging overlay to slapd

SYNOPSIS         top


DESCRIPTION         top

       The Access Logging overlay can be used to record all accesses to a
       given backend database on another database. This allows all of the
       activity on a given database to be reviewed using arbitrary LDAP
       queries, instead of just logging to local flat text files.
       Configuration options are available for selecting a subset of
       operation types to log, and to automatically prune older log records
       from the logging database.  Log records are stored with audit schema
       (see below) to assure their readability whether viewed as LDIF or in
       raw form.


       These slapd.conf options apply to the Access Logging overlay.  They
       should appear after the overlay directive.

       logdb <suffix>
              Specify the suffix of a database to be used for storing the
              log records.  The specified database must be defined elsewhere
              in the configuration.  The access controls on the log database
              should prevent general access. The suffix entry of the log
              database will be created automatically by this overlay. The
              log entries will be generated as the immediate children of the
              suffix entry.

       logops <operations>
              Specify which types of operations to log. The valid operation
              types are abandon, add, bind, compare, delete, extended,
              modify, modrdn, search, and unbind. Aliases for common sets of
              operations are also available:

              writes add, delete, modify, modrdn

              reads  compare, search

                     abandon, bind, unbind

              all    all operations

       logbase <operations> <baseDN>
              Specify a set of operations that will only be logged if they
              occur under a specific subtree of the database. The operation
              types are as above for the logops setting, and delimited by a
              '|' character.

       logold <filter>
              Specify a filter for matching against Deleted and Modified
              entries. If the entry matches the filter, the old contents of
              the entry will be logged along with the current request.

       logoldattr <attr> ...
              Specify a list of attributes whose old contents are always
              logged in Modify and ModRDN requests. Usually only the
              contents of attributes that were actually modified will be
              logged; by default no old attributes are logged for ModRDN

       logpurge <age> <interval>
              Specify the maximum age for log entries to be retained in the
              database, and how often to scan the database for old entries.
              Both the age and interval are specified as a time span in
              days, hours, minutes, and seconds. The time format is
              [ddd+]hh:mm[:ss] i.e., the days and seconds components are
              optional but hours and minutes are required. Except for days,
              which can be up to 5 digits, each numeric field must be
              exactly two digits. For example
                     logpurge 2+00:00 1+00:00
              would specify that the log database should be scanned every
              day for old entries, and entries older than two days should be
              deleted. When using a log database that supports ordered
              indexing on generalizedTime attributes, specifying an eq index
              on the reqStart attribute will greatly benefit the performance
              of the purge operation.

       logsuccess TRUE | FALSE
              If set to TRUE then log records will only be generated for
              successful requests, i.e., requests that produce a result code
              of 0 (LDAP_SUCCESS).  If FALSE, log records are generated for
              all requests whether they succeed or not. The default is

EXAMPLES         top

            database mdb
            suffix dc=example,dc=com
            overlay accesslog
            logdb cn=log
            logops writes reads
            logbase search|compare ou=testing,dc=example,dc=com
            logold (objectclass=person)

            database mdb
            suffix cn=log
            index reqStart eq
            access to *
              by dn.base="cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com" read

SCHEMA         top

       The accesslog overlay utilizes the "audit" schema described herein.
       This schema is specifically designed for accesslog auditing and is
       not intended to be used otherwise.  It is also noted that the schema
       described here is a work in progress, and hence subject to change
       without notice.  The schema is loaded automatically by the overlay.

       The schema includes a number of object classes and associated
       attribute types as described below.

       There is a basic auditObject class from which two additional classes,
       auditReadObject and auditWriteObject are derived. Object classes for
       each type of LDAP operation are further derived from these classes.
       This object class hierarchy is designed to allow flexible yet
       efficient searches of the log based on either a specific operation
       type's class, or on more general classifications. The definition of
       the auditObject class is as follows:

               NAME 'auditObject'
               DESC 'OpenLDAP request auditing'
               SUP top STRUCTURAL
               MUST ( reqStart $ reqType $ reqSession )
               MAY ( reqDN $ reqAuthzID $ reqControls $ reqRespControls $
                   reqEnd $ reqResult $ reqMessage $ reqReferral $
           reqEntryUUID ) )

       Note that all of the OIDs used in the logging schema currently reside
       under the OpenLDAP Experimental branch. It is anticipated that they
       will migrate to a Standard branch in the future.

       An overview of the attributes follows: reqStart and reqEnd provide
       the start and end time of the operation, respectively. They use
       generalizedTime syntax. The reqStart attribute is also used as the
       RDN for each log entry.

       The reqType attribute is a simple string containing the type of
       operation being logged, e.g.  add, delete, search, etc. For extended
       operations, the type also includes the OID of the extended operation,
       e.g.  extended(

       The reqSession attribute is an implementation-specific identifier
       that is common to all the operations associated with the same LDAP
       session. Currently this is slapd's internal connection ID, stored in

       The reqDN attribute is the distinguishedName of the target of the
       operation. E.g., for a Bind request, this is the Bind DN. For an Add
       request, this is the DN of the entry being added. For a Search
       request, this is the base DN of the search.

       The reqAuthzID attribute is the distinguishedName of the user that
       performed the operation.  This will usually be the same name as was
       established at the start of a session by a Bind request (if any) but
       may be altered in various circumstances.

       The reqControls and reqRespControls attributes carry any controls
       sent by the client on the request and returned by the server in the
       response, respectively. The attribute values are just uninterpreted
       octet strings.

       The reqResult attribute is the numeric LDAP result code of the
       operation, indicating either success or a particular LDAP error code.
       An error code may be accompanied by a text error message which will
       be recorded in the reqMessage attribute.

       The reqReferral attribute carries any referrals that were returned
       with the result of the request.

       The reqEntryUUID attribute records the entryUUID attribute of the
       entry operated on, for an Add request, this is the entryUUID of the
       newly created entry.

       Operation-specific classes are defined with additional attributes to
       carry all of the relevant parameters associated with the operation:

               NAME 'auditAbandon'
               DESC 'Abandon operation'
               SUP auditObject STRUCTURAL
               MUST reqId )

       For the Abandon operation the reqId attribute contains the message ID
       of the request that was abandoned.

               NAME 'auditAdd'
               DESC 'Add operation'
               SUP auditWriteObject STRUCTURAL
               MUST reqMod )

       The Add class inherits from the auditWriteObject class. The Add and
       Modify classes are very similar. The reqMod attribute carries all of
       the attributes of the original entry being added.  (Or in the case of
       a Modify operation, all of the modifications being performed.) The
       values are formatted as
              attribute:<+|-|=|#> [ value]
       Where '+' indicates an Add of a value, '-' for Delete, '=' for
       Replace, and '#' for Increment. In an Add operation, all of the
       reqMod values will have the '+' designator.

               NAME 'auditBind'
               DESC 'Bind operation'
               SUP auditObject STRUCTURAL
               MUST ( reqVersion $ reqMethod ) )

       The Bind class includes the reqVersion attribute which contains the
       LDAP protocol version specified in the Bind as well as the reqMethod
       attribute which contains the Bind Method used in the Bind. This will
       be the string SIMPLE for LDAP Simple Binds or SASL(<mech>) for SASL
       Binds.  Note that unless configured as a global overlay, only Simple
       Binds using DNs that reside in the current database will be logged.

               NAME 'auditCompare'
               DESC 'Compare operation'
               SUP auditObject STRUCTURAL
               MUST reqAssertion )

       For the Compare operation the reqAssertion attribute carries the
       Attribute Value Assertion used in the compare request.

               NAME 'auditDelete'
               DESC 'Delete operation'
               SUP auditWriteObject STRUCTURAL
               MAY reqOld )

       The Delete operation needs no further parameters. However, the reqOld
       attribute may optionally be used to record the contents of the entry
       prior to its deletion. The values are formatted as
              attribute: value
       The reqOld attribute is only populated if the entry being deleted
       matches the configured logold filter.

               NAME 'auditModify'
               DESC 'Modify operation'
               SUP auditWriteObject STRUCTURAL
               MAY reqOld MUST reqMod )

       The Modify operation contains a description of modifications in the
       reqMod attribute, which was already described above in the Add
       operation. It may optionally contain the previous contents of any
       modified attributes in the reqOld attribute, using the same format as
       described above for the Delete operation.  The reqOld attribute is
       only populated if the entry being modified matches the configured
       logold filter.

               NAME 'auditModRDN'
               DESC 'ModRDN operation'
               SUP auditWriteObject STRUCTURAL
               MUST ( reqNewRDN $ reqDeleteOldRDN )
               MAY ( reqNewSuperior $ reqOld ) )

       The ModRDN class uses the reqNewRDN attribute to carry the new RDN of
       the request.  The reqDeleteOldRDN attribute is a Boolean value
       showing TRUE if the old RDN was deleted from the entry, or FALSE if
       the old RDN was preserved.  The reqNewSuperior attribute carries the
       DN of the new parent entry if the request specified the new parent.
       The reqOld attribute is only populated if the entry being modified
       matches the configured logold filter and contains attributes in the
       logoldattr list.

               NAME 'auditSearch'
               DESC 'Search operation'
               SUP auditReadObject STRUCTURAL
               MUST ( reqScope $ reqDerefAliases $ reqAttrsOnly )
               MAY ( reqFilter $ reqAttr $ reqEntries $ reqSizeLimit $
                     reqTimeLimit ) )

       For the Search class the reqScope attribute contains the scope of the
       original search request, using the values specified for the LDAP URL
       format. I.e.  base, one, sub, or subord.  The reqDerefAliases
       attribute is one of never, finding, searching, or always, denoting
       how aliases will be processed during the search.  The reqAttrsOnly
       attribute is a Boolean value showing TRUE if only attribute names
       were requested, or FALSE if attributes and their values were
       requested.  The reqFilter attribute carries the filter used in the
       search request.  The reqAttr attribute lists the requested attributes
       if specific attributes were requested.  The reqEntries attribute is
       the integer count of how many entries were returned by this search
       request.  The reqSizeLimit and reqTimeLimit attributes indicate what
       limits were requested on the search operation.

               NAME 'auditExtended'
               DESC 'Extended operation'
               SUP auditObject STRUCTURAL
               MAY reqData )

       The Extended class represents an LDAP Extended Operation. As noted
       above, the actual OID of the operation is included in the reqType
       attribute of the parent class. If any optional data was provided with
       the request, it will be contained in the reqData attribute as an
       uninterpreted octet string.

NOTES         top

       The Access Log implemented by this overlay may be used for a variety
       of other tasks, e.g. as a ChangeLog for a replication mechanism, as
       well as for security/audit logging purposes.

FILES         top

              default slapd configuration file

SEE ALSO         top

       slapd.conf(5), slapd-config(5).


       This module was written in 2005 by Howard Chu of Symas Corporation.

COLOPHON         top

       This page is part of the OpenLDAP (an open source implementation of
       the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) project.  Information
       about the project can be found at ⟨⟩.  If you
       have a bug report for this manual page, see
       ⟨⟩.  This page was obtained from the
       project's upstream Git repository
       ⟨git://⟩ on 2018-02-02.  (At that time,
       the date of the most recent commit that was found in the repository
       was 2018-01-30.)  If you discover any rendering problems in this HTML
       version of the page, or you believe there is a better or more up-to-
       date source for the page, or you have corrections or improvements to
       the information in this COLOPHON (which is not part of the original
       manual page), send a mail to


Pages that refer to this page: slapd.conf(5)slapd-config(5)slapd.overlays(5)slapo-syncprov(5)