New Beginning

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Gem arrives from Enroth fresh from the succession wars. She helps clovergreen militia and then aids a wizards apperentice against the necromancers in Deyja.



  1. After the Amulet
  2. Clearing the Border
  3. Driving for the Boots
  4. Retrieving the Cowl


Gem the Sorceress (Campaign) 
Basic information:
Gem Class: Sorceress (Campaign) 
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Gem was one of the greatest sorceresses that Enroth had ever seen, serving King Roland Ironfist during the Succession Wars. Shortly after Roland had secured the throne of Enroth, Gem left for Erathia, finding a new home in AvLee.
Specialty: First Aid
Specialty First Aid Receives a 5% per level bonus to First Aid skill.
Starting secondary skill(s):
Basic First Aid  Basic First Aid
Basic Wisdom  Basic Wisdom
Starting troops:
Centaur Centaur 12–24 Always
Wood Elf Wood Elf 3–6 1/4
Starting troops Horn of the Abyss:
Centaur Centaur 12–24 Always
Wood Elf Wood Elf 3–6 Always
Starting spell:
Lightning Bolt Lightning Bolt
Starts with:
First aid tent First aid tent
Gem the Sorceress (Campaign)  is a hero from Rampart. Gem starts with a spell book and the spell Lightning Bolt.

See also:


The heroes are practically useless, but they are the ones that transport levels through the campaign. Otherwise, just defeat all enemies before doing objective, you will find it easier that way.