Generic USB Properties Optional properties: - maximum-speed: tells USB controllers we want to work up to a certain speed. Valid arguments are "super-speed", "high-speed", "full-speed" and "low-speed". In case this isn't passed via DT, USB controllers should default to their maximum HW capability. - dr_mode: tells Dual-Role USB controllers that we want to work on a particular mode. Valid arguments are "host", "peripheral" and "otg". In case this attribute isn't passed via DT, USB DRD controllers should default to OTG. - otg-rev: tells usb driver the release number of the OTG and EH supplement with which the device and its descriptors are compliant, in binary-coded decimal (i.e. 2.0 is 0200H). This property is used if any real OTG features(HNP/SRP/ADP) is enabled, if ADP is required, otg-rev should be 0x0200 or above. - hnp-disable: tells OTG controllers we want to disable OTG HNP, normally HNP is the basic function of real OTG except you want it to be a srp-capable only B device. - srp-disable: tells OTG controllers we want to disable OTG SRP, SRP is optional for OTG device. - adp-disable: tells OTG controllers we want to disable OTG ADP, ADP is optional for OTG device. - otg-controller: phandle to otg controller. Host or gadget controllers can contain this property to link it to a particular otg controller. If this property is not present then otg core assumes that host and gadget controllers are children of the otg controller. This is an attribute to a USB controller such as: dwc3@4a030000 { compatible = "synopsys,dwc3"; reg = <0x4a030000 0xcfff>; interrupts = <0 92 4> usb-phy = <&usb2_phy>, <&usb3,phy>; maximum-speed = "super-speed"; dr_mode = "otg"; otg-rev = <0x0200>; adp-disable; };