

Congratulation to hell.

Sorry, I didn't mean it, this is exactly what my classmate wrote to me when I told them I got the visa. In some sense it is true, for some people of course. It is often said that one man's meat is another man's poison. So one man's heaven may turn out to other man's hell similarly.

We all judge our outside world with our brain based on the data collected by our organ of sense. The primary organ of sense is our eyes and ears. However, we are watching the same world and listening to the same evironment, our brains may give completely different judgement. It all depends on yourselves to make judgement. All other people just supply you with some information which they regard importantly.

Therefore, I am not giving out my suggestions, but my experience for your reference only.

1. Don't expect too much and don't underestimate too much.

It is quite good to live in most of places if you have enough money. And it is not so easy to live in most of places on earth if you don't have too much money. For common immigrants, money is always in short. Many people just begin to balance their income and expense 6months after landing.

2. If you expect to do a similar job in Canada as you did in China. Try to think it is only an exception at first stage.

3. Try not to think that coming to a place is a victory or somewhat, try to think it is a new beginning.

4. You will forget the big difference of Canadian dollar and RMB sooner or later.

5. Buy a piece of warm clothes and a good pair of boots. However, you may find out after 2 years that it is all unnecessary since you can buy all them here in Canada.

6. Setup a life goal and evaluate it by the highest standard and the lowest one. After two years, recall this and test this. And do what you already decided two years ago.

7. Go often to visit website:


to get some fun if you feel boring or what.

8. Do not believe in any of above except no. 7.

9. Do trust all above except no. 8.

10. It is your choice to believe or not any of these bullshit.


跟你开个玩笑, 别介意。



Nick Huang


As long as I know,

1. your finacee cannot go along with you now as you have to apply for family re-union which may last for half year to one year. Actually when I stayed in Toronto last year, my roommate is a guy from Beijing. And his wife is waiting for this family re-union for more than half year in Beijing. Even after almost half year when I left Toronto, I asked him when chatting, it seems her admission is not approved. So, I guess that in some cases it may last for nearly one year though by regulation it should be within half year before. But who knows what will happen after 911.

2. It always depends on deciding which city is better when you compare Toronto and Montreal. Some people said that if you are rich, stay in Vancouver, if you have some money, stay in Toronto, if you are poor, go to Montreal. It gives you some hints. It is said that in Toronto chinese can find some place to work if you are lucky or you have some talent. If you want to study in school , maybe Montreal is better as you can get some bursary from Quebec government. You know, in Toronto if you don't work it is meaningless to stay there. However, if you are determined to try to find a job, stay there is a better solution.

3. So, in all word it all depends on what you want to do here and what you can do here. And all answer should be discovered by yourself. As it is said in film "Matrix": there is a big difference between knowing the path and really walking through it.

have a nice day.


 I was shocked to see the real poverty in Canada

Today I came back from my first farm work in Canada and I swear never, ever to go to again. For many years of travelling in

China, I thought my heart has been hardened enough to endure the sight of misery of miserable people. However, it turns out

to be not the case. I was shocked to see the real miserable life side of Canada. It is not those co-called artists who play for

coins in Metro,  many of them simply enjoy the life style and feel proud of it.  comparing with 12 hours in hot sun burning

in onion fields, it means nothing but leisure.  People in farm struggle for all their strength to earn one cup of orange juice by

picking up 3600 pieces of onions in fields, in dust, desperately.


        My pilgrimage starts here...


Your words did touch some nature of mine!
No matter how I explain to myself that this web site is helpful to me, indeed there is some percentage of showing off or as you said "promoting myself"?  Life is lonely here especially at the bottom of a man's heart. In the coldest evening of snowing days, the only thing you can do is playing PC games in the small cellroom. Can you imagine the chilling winter here?
However, the web indeed has its value:
1. First of all, I need an independent storage space. My laptop is not trustworthy because I don't know when it will stop working and then it is a disastrous for all my job. Putting it on web is a best way to keep those files, programs, assignments, ideas etc.
2. The other reason is for a version problem. As you know, many of my program involves several editions. The evolution of versions sometimes is like the evolution of an idea. At first you can only solve the problem to this extent, and maybe in future you suddenly understand that you can do it the other way. Or more probably when you try to improve it in another way and then realized that you are totally wrong and the old way is in fact the correct way. This looks like a mess and I need to keep all files as it is so that in future I can return to find out what it originally looks like.
3. It is easy to access my webpage nowadays from internet almost everywhere. I may upload my project in home and debug the program in lab in school. Or more often I simply send the link of the program to my classmates or professors instead of sending the program files itself which is of course much bigger than the link.
4. My memory is losing faster than I can ever imagine. As I mentioned in my diary, I always think that our memory is selective as we select those happy scenes to remember, then our life seems to be happy. On the contrary, when we choose to remember those sad days, our life seemingly becomes a sad story. So, memory is not trustful anymore. The only solution is to write down and store them somewhere. Today the electronic storage technology seems to be the best choice.
5. I always live in dream. As I take a subway to school, the noise of train makes me feel riding on my favourite horse and having my dreaming trip. As I enter campus, the coming and going of various students makes me feel as if I am taking my ship, sailing on waving oceans. Since I imagine my life is a pilgrimage to the unknown future, I do need a shipping log to record everything I encounter in my journey. It helps me to fill up those empty days and nights in this pilgrimage.
6. It is said that our life should be like this: When we recall the past days, we should not feel regretful and shameful for passing without doing anything significant. Then we can say we did devote all our lives and energy to the greatest thing in this world. The question is how can we be sure about that? Since our memory is always trying to cheat ourselves. How can I trust my memory that I am not passing without doing any meaningful job? I need a witness and the only reliable witness is myself because it is only myself who knows what I am doing everyday. The evidence should be kept in files for future inspection.
7. I was always deeply impressed when I watch those autobiographies of those great ones in our world. The documentary TV program reveals the evolutions of ideas and personalities. The more material they show you, the more convincing that these great people are indeed wonderful in their jobs. I don't expect others to be able to watch a documentary film of myself. At least watching by myself is enough to amuse me. One audience is enough.
Have a nice day before you get bored by me.
Nick Huang/Qingzhe Huang

8. One more thing about all what I wrote down is that it is quite possible that these stuff would somehow, someday become materials uncovered by an archeologist in farthest future. And this archeologist in my imagination is actually a huge computer program who is assigned to discover the evolution history of human in 20th and 21st centuries. Maybe he or it is so lucky that at some moment his searching would reach a long-abandoned server in which all my stuffs have been stored for centuries. At that very moment, he may be so happy to see that a humble computer-science student imagined that event as early as beginning of 21st century.




--------问题是俺们已经花了几万几年了 。。。。。。。



谢谢你的抬举,我实际上是一个平常人,正如我自己描述自己的那样是一个希望能看起来不平常的平常人,因为这个愿望非常的平常。(I am a common man with a common wish to want to look like uncommon which is totally common.)
2。 讲了这么多,你一定会觉得我说了无数的废话空话大话,如果不讲一点具体的方法,也真辜负你耐心读到这里了。我大学的时候看过一个日本人写的小册子叫做《速读学英语》,讲的是作者的切身体会,就是英语的真正功底不是词汇,不是语法,而是听力和阅读,而其中听力是由阅读来决定的,为什么这么说?假如你慢慢地的一个字一个子读的话,都不太明白很难想象你会听明白,我这里有两个前提,一,你不是英语为母语的环境长大的,因为那些人不一定会读,可是会停;二,你不是看电视电影的听,那种场景有语言之外的信息。我说的听是纯粹的磁带语广播,这种情况下你几乎要完全依赖你的语感。什么是语感?说白了是一种条件反射,是一种举一反三触类旁通的类似的联想力,你听到A就能预见到B,而不是一个字一个字都要听得清清楚楚的机器似的翻译。现在回想起来国内的英语教学简直就是在教编译器学习英语,把所有的词汇让你先掌握,把所有的语法让你严格认真学习,让你一个字一个字的听得清清楚楚然后向机器一样的准确翻译,这不是计算机学语言是什么?我不是说不好,而是说这样不现实,也是对人的最大浪费。你在阅读的时候,如果对内容有着强烈的探索欲望,真切地想要知道其中的内容,你会忽略很多不重要的生词,连蒙带猜地跳过一些不影响大局的细节,不会一个字一个字的查字典,你的思路不会被打断,你的大脑的处理速度不会因为阅读的是外语而放慢思维,你的头脑中的语速会和实际的速度保持一致,这样你的所谓语感才能培养起来,也只有这样大量的阅读,你的思维逻辑才能得到锻炼,你的词汇量才能扩大,你也才能接触更多的语法现象。这种方法我认为是专业英语学习的必由之路。

    Don't you think Chinese students are actually cheating by assuming they are qualified for studying in English-speaking universities?

Actually it is not that kind of intensive English course you imagined. It is rather kind of fundamental English writing course. When I say "fundamental", I mean it is just aimed to improve your basic English writing skills to be able to be qualified as an undergraduate student in an English speaking university. However, it is not as easy as most Chinese student thought it would be. As a matter of fact, English-teaching in both universites and middle schools in China is completely wrong! Sometimes, I even attribute this kind of stupid teaching methods and goals to "compiler-like" English-learning procedure. In case you don't understand the term of "compiler" which I think pretty much natural for a commerce student, compiler is a special program to help computer to understand human being. It works like this way: people write so-called high-level programming language like C/C++, Visual Basic, Pascal, Java etc and by help of compiler, computer can understand what people want it to do. Since computer only understand 0 and 1, it is the responsibility of compiler to translate human-understandable language into binary code or 0/1's. So, you now know the role of a compiler which is essentially a translater. However, this translator is quite different from a human translator who can interpreter different languages who is spoken by different people. Compiler is so strict and stubborn that it won't proceed whenever you make whatever small mistakes in spelling or grammar. In other words, it won't torlerate slightest ambibuiguity or mistakes. You can imagine if a human interpreter repeated interrupts you whenever you make a grammar mistake or pronounication error, the conversation is very difficult to continue.
So, in this sense I personally object the way of English-teaching in China because language-learning procedure is a procedure involved with human. It makes no sense to transfer students into a machine.
Ok, it seems I distract our topic far far away from original one. Let's go back to topic of Concordia English teaching. It more concentrated those subjects neglected particularly by English-teaching in China such as punctuation, spelling with special terms etc. Of course writing with logic is the most important part of teaching since it assumes you already have a solid foundation of English grammar. For example, it teaches you how to read between lines and arrange your arguments in a consistent theme. The major goal is to train you to write a well-organized paragraph plus some minor issues like how to write dialogues etc. The strategy they emporsized is more thinking logic than English language. For example, when you try to convince your reader, what possible arguing methods you can apply? How do you use comparison and  classification? The course is not so trivial if you really accomplish what you are supposed to. And one simple clue to this is that usually no student can get A or A- no matter if English is your first language or second language. Of course the reason for those whose first language or first 1.5 language(in case those who speaks both French and English here in Quebec) is English register in this kind of English course is because his/her English is comparatively poorer than his/her peers. However they usually have no difficulty in oral English speaking. So you can imagine these kind of courses are quite strict in grading.
I think one should benefit a lot by taking English courses, especially for most Chinese students. Yesterday I watched an old movie by Arnold Schowasingal, <Kindergarden Cops>. Those kids in the movie are just 5 or 6 years old and can speak much better English than many of college students in China. Just imagine they still need more than ten years English training to be able to study in university. Does it suggest you that Chinese students are actually cheating by assuming they are qualified for studying in English-speaking-university in sense of language?
Nice to talk with you and I hope you are not upset by my boring, long gossiping.
Nick Huang/Qingzhe Huang

            Trouble in Asia

Hi Professor,
Generally speaking, I agree with your view points that young generation of Japanese should not feel guilty for war crime when they were not born yet. Actually it is described in media that currently in Japan people are getting fed up with seemingly-endless pressure for appology. They become more and more impatient about gabbling of their neighbours. As a chinese I am willing to analysis rationally what is going on in mind of most chinese people.
1. The wake-up of new generation: 
 Unlike their parents, new generation in China now suffer the least and have the luxury to be proud of their history. However, defeating in war is always a shame and sore. You see, before WWII Japan is the only developed country in Asia. Now it is still the ONLY one in Asia. It is quite difficult to accept the reality that Japanese are superior to Chinese in mondern industrial age. People tend to attribute this to the fact that China has dropped the claim for what is lost during war. This is the common sense for society and few of them realize the real reason of development of Japan.
2. The fear of powerful Japan: 
Before WWII, Japan is so strong and China is so weak. Today it seems little is changed. Although China regards itself as a powerful country. Yet in veiw of military, the enormous Japanese defence budget can easily re-arm Japanese army. In fact, Japanese navy and air force currently is No. 1 in Asia already. A powerful Japanese is always a potential threat to China. People in China simply don't accept the fact that Japan never admit it was defeated by China in WWII. It is USA and Soviet Union who destroyed Japan navy in Pacific and most of army in North-East of China respectively. As far as I know, during eight-year-long so-called Anti-Japanese war, China army only destroyed a little more than 1/3 of Japanese army, almost same as what Red Army from Soviet did within less than three months.
3. The fear of new economic-colony:
People in china today get a wrong impression that China is becoming stronger and stronger. However, in my personal view, China now becomes the economic-colony of global incorporations, including many of Japanese corporates. The most manpower-intensive, natural-resource-consuming, polusion-intensive manufacturing enterprises are established in China to exhaust the already exhausted natural resource in a simple reason to feed its enormous population, without any choice for consideration of more than two generations. That is big picture of China today. People have to accept the fact that they are again becoming economic slaves for Japan who now conquered China by automobile and electronic appliances. How come is the student superior to his teacher in the sense that most culture of Japan is "imported" from China 1000 years ago?
4. The fear of incoming militery conflict:
More and more people tend to be impatient with re-union of China after Hongkong is returned. However, Taiwanese are reluctant to become one province of China, at least the leader of Taiwan doesn't want to. And Japanese and Americans don't want to. The seemingly imminent war conflict is regarded between China and Japan because any military conflict between USA and China is regarded as beginning of World War III. No one in world dare to test this theory. Therefore Japan as an agent of USA in Asia takes responsibility to maintain the peace order of Asia. Should Chinese leaders show their resolved mind to Japan as a warning of possible interference during liberation of Taiwan? It is necessary and beneficial to all sides. Even sheep should show his teeth to a wolf before the fight.
5. The unstable society:
China is becoming a more and more unstable society with more and more problems arising from every corner of society. People simply want to outlet their anxiety by someway, somehow. Anti-Japanese is the safest start since it is regarded as patrioism and would be protected by government. However, nobody can predict when new flavour would be added into protests. In 89, same pattern was already showed. I never worries about so-called nationalism because it is like a burning match which cannot last for three minutes before people have to think how to survive in this society. Patrioism is a kind of luxury in China which force you either to choose it as an occupation or as a hobby. However, professional revolutionist has no way of survival in China today unless you join Communist Party who stops revolutionary long time ago. Therefore patrioism as a hobby can be only played as a game during spare time, say during holiday.
I have been long regarded by my patriots as Anti-China-ism. However, I would be happy if you distribute the above to more of your students since I am willing to let more people to re-think what they take for granted.
Nick Huang/Qingzhe Huang
The dirt and dust from my pilgrimage become oceans of stars...(English)

Dear Former Students and Friends,

We have all read the newspaper or heard or seen the news from China. I am sending this e-mail to you because I have something to say about it. I know the history of China, Korea and Japan well enough to know that some things are not discussed in Japanese schoolbooks. That decision is made by senior administrators in Government. What happened in Taiwan, in Korea and in 1931 and later in China were decisions made by military commanders and by senior government officials. To be in that position at that time, one would have to have been 30 or more years old. Nearly all those men are now dead or well over 90 years old, and toothless tigers who have nothing but bad memories to keep them warm at night.

Your Japanese friends are 3 generations removed from that history. They have no resposibility for what happened. Their hands are clean. In times of war terrible things happen. If you are non-Japanese, you may be angry at those old and dead military men, or those old and dead government men, or even the now dead Emperor Hirohito. You may even be mad at the current government of Japan, which is also filled with old men. But YOU CANNOT BE ANGRY AT YOUR FRIENDS AND OTHER JAPANESE YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN WHO HAVE HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH PAST GOVERNMENTS OR PRESENT GOVERNMENTS. IF YOU ARE JAPANESE, YOU NEED FEEL NO PERSONAL SHAME. YOU ARE BLAMELESS. You have done nothing to be ashamed of, ESPECIALLY YOU NEED NOT BE ASHAMED OF BEING jAPANESE FOR THAT COUNTRY, LIKE MY COUNTRY ENGLAND, HAS A LONG AND GLORIOUS HISTORY OF ACCOMPLISHMENT. And yet, England, as a country, has blood on its hands. Think of the Opium wars. Think of slavery. But I didn't import opium to China and I didn't go to Africa to capture slaves for my sugar plantations in the Carribean.

My father was Jewish. If I count all my close relatives, then I can tell you that 31 of them were killed in concentration camps by the NAZI government. Only my father survived. I can hate the NAZI government, or Hitler and all the death camp commanders who personally killed my grandparents, my aunts and uncles, and all my cousins. But I do not hate the Germans. Infact I married one and, until recently, had a young German woman living in my house. What have these people to do with death camps? Nothing. How far will you go back in history to find something to hate someone for? Maybe I should hate the Italians because a Roman soldier cut the head off an Englishman 2000 years ago.

The Chinese government is allowing these demonstrations to take place because they are angry that Japan may be given a seat at the United Nations Security Council. All Governments act only in their own self-interest. But people who are not ignorant, who are educated have to rise above the pragmatism of government policy. We are all just human beings. We all bleed when we are cut; we all cry out for food when we are hungry.

Please do not allow yourselves to be swept up in hysterical action that targets the innocent. If you are here in Canada, reach out to your friends and tell them that you care about them. Tell them that no one can change the past, but that we all have the power to change the future. 

I have not sent this e-mail to everyone I know. You all have contact lists. I would really appreciate it if you would send this e-mail to as many people as you can.

I have met so many wonderful people from Asia. I am so lucky that I now have friends in The Middle Kingdom, Japan, Taiwan, Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Singapore, Laos, Miyanmar, Indonesia, Phillipines, etc., etc., etc. Some friends are closer to me than others, but not because they come from here or there. No, because I take each person as just a person whom I can like or dislike because of WHO they are, not WHAT they are.

Peter Feder, Concordia University.











I have to thank you for your complement and it is not uncommon for some people to comment like that. However, I know myself clearly. Let me put it this way. I am just a common man with common wish to try to look like uncommon from other common people which is not uncommon at all. What else should I say? Most people do have sparkling ideas from time to time. Either they don't bother to write it down and let others know or they don't have time and don't realize it is marvellous idea. Internet changes people's life style dramatically and continues to do this for unforeseeable period. I can foresee there will be many unforeseeable events emerging from foreseeable future in a unforeseeable style to change our foreseeable and unforeseeable life style. (Forgive me, I keep watching "Yes, prime minister" and try to learn the way British civil servants talk.)

Apart from all, I consider myself a kind of escapist who tries to escape from all my duty and responsibility in this society, especially in society of China today. And that is one fundamental reason for me to leave that country because I feel I was a kind of alien in that country. You see, I hate kids and pets and don't want to feed people other than myself, even for my family. Suppose I get married with whoever might be, the last thing I want to do is to sacrifice myself to give thing which common woman expects to get. Hence, I highly suspect there would exist any female sex such that she is willing to accept such a family life. Marriage, in my personal view, is a kind of exchange for social resources. Men expect some kind of authority, comfortable life at home. Women expect to have more social resources for them to give birth of next generation which is their only purpose of existence in their life. (This has been proved by Darwin's evolution theory. For example, those female sex who don't want to give birth or is incompetent to do so, will not convey their gene to next generation. And the survival generation are all from those female sex who view reproduction as their sole purpose of life. Hence it is proved the survival female sex should continue this because their gene decides so.)


<The Matrix>

Neo: I can't go back, can I?

Morpheus: No, but if you can, will you?


一月二十四日 等待变化等待机会


C++语言究竟是什么?我推荐去看一下C++之父的一个演讲,让我找一找那个链接再发给你。大师用一个很形象的成语来形容很多人对C++的认识,那就是盲人摸象。很多人片面的认为c++就是面向对象,或者认为就是functional programming,或者是generic programming等等。这些都对,但是都不全面,大师在那个演讲中详细叙述了他发明语言的初衷和他坚持的原则。我之所以提到这个的原因在于让你有一个认识他到底是什么能做什么。这样你才能有思想准备,究竟怎么样去学习去掌握。


我记得我最早学的语言是delphi,他也有很多优点,比如语法简单严格,没有C语言的那些模糊的弊病。但是在实际中我发现了一个让我难以忍受的缺陷,他并不是系统实现的语言,比如那个时候要去调用windows下的系统API,它的调用方式是不一样的,它的库无法直接去调用windows C的API而需要一个转换。这个是促使我转向C语言的最直接的原因,因为我不希望有一个隔阂阻止我直接访问系统。其实这一点也是大师当初发明C加加语言的一个初衷,就是说他完全兼容C语言,也就是大多数系统的实现语言,他给程序员无隔阂的直接访问系统而且是非常有效率的。但是如果他没有提供比C语言更加有优势的地方,我们为什么要去学习C加加而不是直接使用系统实现的C语言来编程呢?这里就是复杂性的问题,我经常听很多人谈论说C语言比C加加更难,因为它更接触底层,但实际上从复杂度的角度来看,C+加的复杂度远远超过了C语言。我最近一直在研究C加加的语法,相比于C语法C加加的语法复杂的太多太多。我们甚至可以说C语言的语法是相当简单的,他只有一个语法的歧义(就是著名的dangling else),也就是说使用类似于bison/yacc之类的compiler compiler是可以自动产生一个C语言的编译器的,而C加加语法太复杂,有太多的歧义,这条路几乎是走不通的。 我想说的就是C加加之所以这么复杂,实际上是为了能够解决复杂问题的工具。因为相对于C语言的初衷来说,C语言的目的性是直接管理访问系统而不是解决其他问题。








这个是C++之父在C++四十岁生日的演讲 https://youtu.be/u_ij0YNkFUs


www.cppcon.org也许也有。我找到了他的讲稿 https://github.com/CppCon/CppCon2019/blob/e84f0777fb0e17517852c4b669c73ed66f6a1a91/Presentations/cpp_at_40/cpp_at_40__bjarne_stroustrup__cppcon_2019.pdf

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