#textdomain wesnoth-units [unit_type] id=Merman Hoplite name= _ "Merman Hoplite" race=merman image="units/merfolk/hoplite.png" {MAGENTA_IS_THE_TEAM_COLOR} profile=portraits/merfolk/hoplite.png hitpoints=52 movement_type=swimmer # The following resistance adjustments are to make the hoplite good defensively, and to make 'steadfast' actually do something movement=5 experience=150 level=3 alignment=lawful advances_to=null {AMLA_DEFAULT} cost=43 usage=fighter description= _ "With their towering shields, the Merman Hoplites form the elite guard of the watery realm. Their powerful armor and rigid discipline allow them to hold a steadfast line in the maelstrom of battle. In times of desperation, they can even do so on land, though not nearly as well as a creature with legs."+{SPECIAL_NOTES}+{SPECIAL_NOTES_STEADFAST} die_sound=mermen-die.ogg {DEFENSE_ANIM "units/merfolk/hoplite.png" "units/merfolk/hoplite.png" mermen-hit.wav } [portrait] size=400 side="left" mirror="false" image="portraits/merfolk/transparent/hoplite.png" [/portrait] [portrait] size=400 side="right" mirror="true" image="portraits/merfolk/transparent/hoplite.png" [/portrait] [resistance] blade=80 pierce=70 cold=70 fire=80 impact=80 [/resistance] [abilities] {ABILITY_STEADFAST} [/abilities] [attack] name=spear description=_"spear" type=pierce range=melee damage=15 number=2 [/attack] [attack_anim] [filter_attack] name=spear [/filter_attack] start_time=-200 [frame] image="units/merfolk/hoplite.png:50" [/frame] {SOUND:HIT_AND_MISS spear.ogg spear-miss.ogg -150} [frame] image="units/merfolk/hoplite.png:200" [/frame] [frame] image="units/merfolk/hoplite.png:100" [/frame] [/attack_anim] [/unit_type]