#textdomain wesnoth-tsg [scenario] id=09a_Vengeance name= _ "Vengeance" next_scenario=10a_Elf_Epilogue {SCENARIO_MUSIC nunc_dimittis.ogg} {EXTRA_SCENARIO_MUSIC suspense.ogg} map_data="{campaigns/The_South_Guard/maps/09a_Vengeance.map}" {DEFAULT_SCHEDULE_MORNING} turns=-1 victory_when_enemies_defeated=no {BIGMAP_09A} # The South Guard [side] side=1 type=Horseman Commander id=Deoran name= _ "Deoran" unrenamable=yes team_name=South_Guard user_team_name=_"South Guard" controller=human {CUSTOM_SG_FLAG} {GOLD 125 100 80} {INCOME 4 2 0} fog=no shroud=no canrecruit=yes recruit=Bowman, Spearman, Cavalryman {NAMED_GENERIC_UNIT 1 (Javelineer) 22 12 () (_"Westin Guard")} {GUARDIAN} {NAMED_GENERIC_UNIT 1 (Heavy Infantryman) 19 14 () (_"Westin Guard")} {GUARDIAN} {NAMED_GENERIC_UNIT 1 (Heavy Infantryman) 17 15 () (_"Westin Guard")} {GUARDIAN} {NAMED_GENERIC_UNIT 1 (Heavy Infantryman) 17 17 () (_"Westin Guard")} {GUARDIAN} {NAMED_GENERIC_UNIT 1 (Spearman) 16 19 () (_"Westin Guard")} {GUARDIAN} {NAMED_GENERIC_UNIT 1 (Spearman) 15 21 () (_"Westin Guard")} {GUARDIAN} [/side] {STARTING_VILLAGES 1 15} # The Enraged Elves [side] side=2 type=Elvish Marshal id=Ithelden name= _ "Ithelden" team_name=The_Enraged Elves user_team_name=_"Enraged Elves" controller=ai {GOLD 125 100 80} {INCOME 4 2 0} canrecruit=no [ai] passive_leader=yes aggression=0.0 caution=1.0 [goal] name=target [criteria] id=Ethiliel [/criteria] value=2 [/goal] [/ai] [ai] passive_leader=yes time_of_day=dusk,first_watch,second_watch aggression=1.0 caution=0 grouping=no [/ai] {FLAG_VARIANT wood-elvish} [/side] [event] name=prestart [disallow_recruit] side=1 type=Elvish Fighter, Elvish Shaman [/disallow_recruit] [/event] [event] name=start [recall] id=Sir Gerrick [/recall] [remove_unit_overlay] id=Sir Gerrick image=misc/hero-icon.png [/remove_unit_overlay] [recall] id=Ethiliel [/recall] [recall] id=Minister Hylas [/recall] [remove_unit_overlay] id=Minister Hylas image=misc/hero-icon.png [/remove_unit_overlay] [message] speaker=Sir Gerrick message= _ "Commander! I took your message to the council, and your deeds have pleased them. Are the undead finally gone from our lands?" [/message] [message] speaker=Deoran message= _ "The undead are gone! Perhaps now there will be peace for a time in Westin. You have our thanks Lady Ethiliel." [/message] [message] speaker=Ethiliel message= _ "Though the undead are vanquished, they have brought us much sorrow. Deoran, your people have restored their honor. Let us part in peace." [/message] [message] speaker=Deoran message= _ "Indeed. Neither the bandits nor the undead will trouble us for some time. We will tend our wounds and you yours." [/message] [message] speaker=narrator message= _ "Help!" image=wesnoth-icon.png [/message] [scroll_to_unit] id=Ithelden [/scroll_to_unit] [message] speaker=narrator message= _ "Help!" image=wesnoth-icon.png [/message] [move_unit_fake] type=Peasant side=1 x= 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 4 y=11,11,12,13,14, 14 [/move_unit_fake] [unit] type=Peasant id=Poor Farmer name= _ "Poor Farmer" side=1 x=4 y=14 [/unit] [message] speaker=Ithelden message= _ "You must pay for killing Mebrin!" [/message] [message] speaker=Poor Farmer message= _ "I am just a farmer! What did I do?!" [/message] [message] speaker=Ithelden message= _ "What did you do?! Your people kidnapped and murdered our greatest leader! And now you will pay!" [/message] [color_adjust] red=255 green=0 blue=0 [/color_adjust] [sound] name=human-die-1.ogg [/sound] [color_adjust] red=0 green=0 blue=0 [/color_adjust] [kill] id=Poor Farmer fire_event=no [/kill] [message] speaker=Sir Gerrick message= _ "He just killed that innocent farmer! We must stop him!" [/message] [message] speaker=Ethiliel message= _ "Stop, Ithelden! I have traveled with these humans, and they are not the ones who harmed Mebrin. They are our allies!" [/message] [message] speaker=Ithelden message= _ "You too, Ethiliel? All these humans are the same! They fell trees to till the earth; now they have felled our leader! We cannot brook such deeds! You will die with them!" [/message] [music] name=the_dangerous_symphony.ogg immediate=yes append=no [/music] [music] name=the_city_falls.ogg append=yes [/music] [music] name=vengeful.ogg append=yes [/music] {NAMED_LOYAL_UNIT 2 (Elvish Fighter) 3 17 () (_"Disciple of Mebrin")} {NAMED_LOYAL_UNIT 2 (Elvish Fighter) 7 15 () (_"Disciple of Mebrin")} {NAMED_LOYAL_UNIT 2 (Elvish Druid) 6 19 () (_"Disciple of Mebrin")} {NAMED_LOYAL_UNIT 2 (Elvish Ranger) 8 15 () (_"Disciple of Mebrin")} {NAMED_LOYAL_UNIT 2 (Elvish Druid) 4 22 () (_"Disciple of Mebrin")} {NAMED_LOYAL_UNIT 2 (Elvish Hero) 6 23 () (_"Disciple of Mebrin")} {NAMED_LOYAL_UNIT 2 (Elvish Rider) 11 13 () (_"Disciple of Mebrin")} [kill] id=Ithelden animate=no fire_event=no [/kill] [message] speaker=Ethiliel message= _ "We won’t be able to hold them off for long. I should go reason with them!" [/message] [message] speaker=Deoran message= _ "Are you sure that the elves will greet you any more kindly than they have met us? After all, you did lead us into the forests..." [/message] [message] speaker=Ethiliel message= _ "Perhaps not, but it is your only hope. I must reach Ithelden!" [/message] {SET_LABEL 6 15 _"Ithelden’s base"} {HIGHLIGHT_IMAGE 6 15 items/gohere.png ()} [objectives] side=1 [objective] description= _ "Send Ethiliel to the Great Tree and parley with Ithelden" condition=win [/objective] [objective] description= _ "Death of Deoran" condition=lose [/objective] [objective] description= _ "Death of Ethiliel" condition=lose [/objective] {IS_LAST_SCENARIO} [/objectives] [/event] [event] name=die [filter] side=2 [/filter] first_time_only=no [set_variable] name=how_many_elves rand=1..6 [/set_variable] [set_variable] name=number_of_elves value=0 [/set_variable] [while] [variable] name=number_of_elves less_than=$how_many_elves [/variable] [do] [set_variable] name=unit_type rand=Elvish Fighter,Elvish Archer,Elvish Ranger,Elvish Shaman,Elvish Druid,Elvish Hero,Elvish Marksman,Elvish Rider,Elvish Fighter,Elvish Archer,Elvish Shaman [/set_variable] [unit] type=$unit_type name= _ "Disciple of Mebrin" side=2 x,y=1,12 to_variable=new_elf [/unit] [unstore_unit] variable=new_elf find_vacant=yes [/unstore_unit] [set_variable] name=number_of_elves add=1 [/set_variable] [/do] [/while] [message] speaker=$new_elf.id message= _ "For every one of us you strike down, more will rise!" [/message] {CLEAR_VARIABLE new_elf} [/event] [event] name=last breath [filter] id=Deoran [/filter] [message] speaker=unit image=portraits/deoran-sad.png message= _ "I have failed my kingdom and duty..." [/message] [endlevel] result=defeat [/endlevel] [/event] [event] name=last breath [filter] id=Sir Gerrick [/filter] [message] speaker=unit message= _ "I have given my all for my kingdom! Avenge me, Deoran!" [/message] [/event] [event] name=die [filter] id=Ethiliel [/filter] [message] speaker=Minister Hylas message= _ "Ithelden’s elves have killed Ethiliel! Now we have no chance to come to an agreement with them. A war with the Elves is imminent." [/message] [message] speaker=Deoran message= _ "We are far away from Weldyn. We’ll surely all be killed long before any reinforcements arrive." [/message] [endlevel] result=defeat [/endlevel] [/event] [event] name=moveto [filter] id=Ethiliel x=6 y=15 [/filter] [endlevel] result=victory carryover_report=no save=no linger_mode=no [/endlevel] [/event] [/scenario]