#textdomain wesnoth-sotbe [scenario] id=04_The_Siege_of_Barag_Gor name= _ "The Siege of Barag Gór" map_data="{campaigns/Son_Of_The_Black_Eye/maps/04_The_Siege_of_Barag_Gor.map}" turns=24 victory_when_enemies_defeated=yes {DEFAULT_SCHEDULE} next_scenario=05_To_the_Harbor_of_Tirigaz {SCENARIO_MUSIC "vengeful.ogg"} {EXTRA_SCENARIO_MUSIC "the_city_falls.ogg"} {EXTRA_SCENARIO_MUSIC "battle.ogg"} [event] name=prestart [objectives] side=1,3 [objective] condition=win description=_ "Defeat all enemy leaders" [/objective] [objective] condition=lose description=_ "Death of Kapou’e" [/objective] [objective] condition=lose description=_ "Death of Grüü" [/objective] [objective] condition=lose description=_ "Death of a Shaman" [/objective] {TURNS_RUN_OUT} [gold_carryover] bonus=yes carryover_percentage=40 [/gold_carryover] [note] description= _ "Except for the shamans, the Barag Gór defenders will not follow you into the next scenario" [/note] [/objectives] [/event] [side] side=1 id="Kapou'e" type=Orcish Leader controller=human recruit=Troll Whelp team_name=Kapoue user_team_name=_ "Kapou’e" {GOLD 200 150 120} {BLACK_FLAG} [/side] [side] type=Elvish Marshal id=Etheliel name= _ "Etheliel" side=2 team_name=Elves user_team_name=_"Elves" canrecruit=yes recruit=Elvish Archer, Elvish Fighter profile="portraits/elves/captain.png~FL()~RIGHT()" {GOLD 100 125 150} {INCOME 8 12 20} {FLAG_VARIANT wood-elvish} [/side] {STARTING_VILLAGES 2 10} {AI_FORCE_ATTACK_HIGH_XP_UNITS_SETUP} {AI_FORCE_ATTACK_HIGH_XP_UNITS 2} [side] type=Orcish Slayer id=Rugh name= _ "Rugh" side=3 controller=human team_name=Kapoue user_team_name=_ "Kapou’e" canrecruit=yes recruit= Wolf Rider, Orcish Grunt, Orcish Archer {GOLD 250 200 150} [/side] {STARTING_VILLAGES 3 5} [side] type=Elvish Marshal id="Hida'tul" name= _ "Hida’tul" side=4 team_name=Elves user_team_name=_"Elves" canrecruit=yes recruit=Elvish Archer, Elvish Fighter {GOLD 100 125 150} {FLAG_VARIANT wood-elvish} [/side] {STARTING_VILLAGES 4 10} {AI_FORCE_ATTACK_HIGH_XP_UNITS 4} [side] type=Elvish Marshal id=Ammon name= _ "Ammon" side=5 team_name=Elves user_team_name=_"Elves" canrecruit=yes recruit=Elvish Archer, Elvish Fighter {GOLD 100 125 150} {FLAG_VARIANT wood-elvish} [ai] passive_leader=yes [goal] name=target [criteria] side=1 [/criteria] value=50 [/goal] [/ai] [/side] {STARTING_VILLAGES 5 6} {AI_FORCE_ATTACK_HIGH_XP_UNITS 5} [side] type=Elvish Marshal id=Sammual name= _ "Sammual" side=6 team_name=Elves user_team_name=_"Elves" canrecruit=yes recruit=Elvish Archer, Elvish Fighter {GOLD 100 125 150} {INCOME 6 9 12} {FLAG_VARIANT wood-elvish} [/side] {STARTING_VILLAGES 6 8} {AI_FORCE_ATTACK_HIGH_XP_UNITS 6} {BIGMAP_04} [event] name=prestart {GENERIC_UNIT 2 "Elvish Fighter" 18 14} {GENERIC_UNIT 2 "Elvish Fighter" 21 12} {GENERIC_UNIT 2 "Elvish Fighter" 22 11} {GENERIC_UNIT 2 "Elvish Fighter" 18 16} {GENERIC_UNIT 2 "Elvish Fighter" 26 15} {GENERIC_UNIT 2 "Elvish Fighter" 22 17} {GENERIC_UNIT 2 "Elvish Archer" 23 12} {GENERIC_UNIT 2 "Elvish Archer" 26 13} {GENERIC_UNIT 2 "Elvish Archer" 25 17} {GENERIC_UNIT 2 "Elvish Archer" 20 17} {GENERIC_UNIT 2 "Elvish Archer" 20 12} {GENERIC_UNIT 3 "Orcish Archer" 19 14} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT 3 "Orcish Archer" 22 13} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT 3 "Orcish Archer" 20 16} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT 3 "Orcish Archer" 23 17} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT 3 "Orcish Archer" 24 14} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT 3 "Orcish Grunt" 24 16} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT 3 "Orcish Grunt" 22 12} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT 3 "Orcish Grunt" 20 13} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT 3 "Orcish Grunt" 19 16} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT 3 "Orcish Grunt" 25 15} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT 3 "Orcish Grunt" 22 16} {GUARDIAN} # wmllint: whofield ORCISH_SHAMAN 4 {ORCISH_SHAMAN 3 22 14 Pirk _"Pirk"} # wmllint: whofield OLD_ORCISH_SHAMAN 4 {OLD_ORCISH_SHAMAN 3 22 15 Gork _"Gork"} # wmllint: whofield NOVICE_ORCISH_SHAMAN 4 {NOVICE_ORCISH_SHAMAN 3 21 15 Vraurk _"Vraurk"} [item] x=7 y=30 image=units/orcs/assassin.png~RC(magenta>red) [/item] [item] x=7 y=30 image=items/cage.png [/item] {GENERIC_UNIT 2 "Elvish Fighter" 5 30} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT 2 "Elvish Captain" 7 29} {GUARDIAN} {GENERIC_UNIT 2 "Elvish Fighter" 9 30} {GUARDIAN} [/event] [event] name=start [recall] id=Grüü [/recall] [role] type=Direwolf Rider,Goblin Knight,Goblin Pillager,Wolf Rider role=Scout [/role] [store_unit] [filter] role=Scout [/filter] variable=scout [/store_unit] [if] [variable] name=scout.length greater_than=0 [/variable] [then] [recall] role=Scout x,y=36,3 [/recall] [/then] [else] {GENERIC_UNIT 1 "Wolf Rider" 36 3} [+unit] role=Scout to_variable=scout [/unit] [/else] [/if] [message] speaker=narrator message= _ "When the party finally reached Barag Gór, they were met with a most startling sight." image=wesnoth-icon.png [/message] [message] speaker="Kapou'e" message= _ "What the—! Barag Gór is besieged by elves! The wose-born weaklings have always been jealous of our power, but what reason do they have to attack the city?" [/message] [message] speaker=Grüü message= _ "What can you expect, Chief? They’re elves after all." [/message] [message] speaker="Kapou'e" message= _ "Hmmm. $scout.name, go find out what they are up to." [/message] [message] role=Scout message= _ "Sure." [/message] [set_variable] name=scout.x value=32 [/set_variable] [set_variable] name=scout.y value=6 [/set_variable] [kill] role=Scout [/kill] [move_unit_fake] type=$scout.type side=1 x=36,32,32 y=3,5,6 [/move_unit_fake] [unstore_unit] variable=scout [/unstore_unit] [message] speaker=Ammon message= _ "One more step and you are dead, flea-bag. Better run if you value your life." [/message] [message] role=Scout message= _ "Quit your boasting, mule-ears. The chief wants to know why you’re here, instead of cowering in your dung-spattered forests." [/message] [message] speaker=Ammon message= _ "Watch your mouth around your betters, goblin! And you can tell your chief to hand the shamans over to us if he wants to be alive by sundown." [/message] [message] role=Scout message= _ "What business do you high-and-mighty elves have with our shamans?" [/message] [message] speaker=Ammon message= _ "Our business with them is none of your concern." [/message] [message] role=Scout message= _ "Oh, yes, it is. The shamans keep our ancient knowledge and our sacred things; they are not for the likes of you. Why do you want them anyway?" [/message] [message] speaker=Ammon message= _ "Well... the humans want to... meet with them." [/message] [message] role=Scout message= _ "Oh, so they paid you to come and get them, have they?" [/message] [message] speaker=Ammon message= _ "Well..." [/message] [message] role=Scout message= _ "So the ‘great and mighty’ elves are now nothing but a bunch of mercenaries." [/message] [message] speaker=Ammon message= _ "KILL HIM!!" [/message] [unit] type=Elvish Fighter side=5 x=29 y=6 generate_name=yes random_traits=yes [/unit] [unit] type=Elvish Fighter side=5 x=29 y=8 generate_name=yes random_traits=yes [/unit] [message] role=Scout message= _ "Hahaha! If you can!" [/message] [set_variable] name=scout.x value=36 [/set_variable] [set_variable] name=scout.y value=3 [/set_variable] [kill] role=Scout [/kill] [move_unit_fake] type=$scout.type side=1 x=32,36 y=6,3 [/move_unit_fake] [unstore_unit] variable=scout [/unstore_unit] [message] speaker=Ammon message= _ "Blast it, he got away." [/message] [message] speaker="Kapou'e" message= _ "So, what news do you bring, $scout.name?" [/message] [message] role=Scout message= _ "The elves have been bribed by the humans to capture and deliver the shamans to them." [/message] [message] speaker="Kapou'e" message= _ "Over my dead body! The shamans of the Great Council are the only people who can call up the Great Horde. If they are captured then all the orcs on this continent would surely be doomed." [/message] [message] speaker=Grüü message= _ "I have a subtle plan, Chief." [/message] [message] speaker="Kapou'e" message= _ "Go on, Grüü." [/message] [message] speaker=Grüü message= _ "We go and we kill all of them. What do you think?" [/message] [message] speaker="Kapou'e" message= _ "..." [/message] {CLEAR_VARIABLE scout} [/event] [event] name=moveto [filter] side=1 x=7 y=30 [/filter] [remove_item] x,y=7,30 [/remove_item] [unit] id=Jetto name= _ "Jetto" side=1 type=Orcish Assassin profile=portraits/jetto.png~FL()~RIGHT() x=7 y=30 random_traits=no [modifications] {TRAIT_LOYAL} [/modifications] {IS_LOYAL} [/unit] [allow_recruit] side=1 type=Orcish Assassin [/allow_recruit] [message] speaker=Jetto message= _ "Freedom! Many thanks, Son of the Black-Eye. I’m Jetto, master of assassins, now you can count on the assassins’ guild to help you in your quest!" [/message] [message] speaker="Kapou'e" message= _ "Jetto, how did you get captured by the likes of these?" [/message] [message] speaker=Jetto message= _ "The Barag Gór council sent me to assassinate the elvish leaders. Unfortunately, I was captured. But now I am free and the elves shall feel my wrath!" [/message] {VARIABLE freed_Jetto yes} [/event] [event] name=enemies defeated [message] speaker=Pirk message= _ "At last! The siege has been broken." [/message] [message] speaker=Gork message= _ "Thank you, Son of the Black-Eye. If you hadn’t arrived when you did, I don’t know what would have happened to us." [/message] [message] speaker="Kapou'e" message= _ "No problem! It was fun, wasn’t it, Grüü?" [/message] [message] speaker=Grüü message= _ "Hahaha! Yeah!" [/message] [message] speaker="Kapou'e" message= _ "But, actually, we have come all the way from our lands to get your help." [/message] [message] speaker=Vraurk message= _ "Why? What’s wrong?" [/message] [message] speaker="Kapou'e" message= _ "Those insolent humans have massed a huge army and attacked us. We defeated their vanguard but in the end we were forced to retreat." [/message] [message] speaker=Pirk message= _ "Hmmmm, this situation is very serious. As you know by now, they have also hired these elves to attack us here." [/message] [message] speaker="Kapou'e" message= _ "Yes. It seems to me that the humans are declaring all-out war on us." [/message] [message] speaker=Gork message= _ "We must give this matter careful consideration. Come inside the city, and we’ll discuss it." [/message] [modify_unit] [filter] id=Pirk,Gork,Vraurk [/filter] side=1 [/modify_unit] [modify_side] side=3 controller=null [/modify_side] [if] [variable] name=freed_Jetto not_equals=yes [/variable] [then] [scroll_to] x,y=7,30 [/scroll_to] [message] speaker=narrator caption= _ "Jetto" image=portraits/jetto.png~FL()~RIGHT() message= _ "Son of the Black-Eye! Could I ask for my release from this blighted cage?" [/message] [message] speaker="Kapou'e" message= _ "How did you get captured by the likes of these?" [/message] [scroll_to] x,y=7,30 [/scroll_to] [message] speaker=narrator caption= _ "Jetto" image=portraits/jetto.png~FL()~RIGHT() message= _ "The Barag Gór council sent me to assassinate the elvish leaders. Unfortunately, I was captured." [/message] [message] speaker="Kapou'e" message= _ "Fine, someone go release him." [/message] [scroll_to] x,y=7,30 [/scroll_to] [remove_item] x,y=7,30 [/remove_item] [unit] id=Jetto name= _ "Jetto" side=1 type=Orcish Assassin profile=portraits/jetto.png~FL()~RIGHT() x=7 y=30 random_traits=no [modifications] {TRAIT_LOYAL} [/modifications] {IS_LOYAL} [/unit] [allow_recruit] side=1 type=Orcish Assassin [/allow_recruit] [message] speaker=Jetto message= _ "Freedom! Many thanks, Son of the Black-Eye. I’m Jetto, master of assassins, now you can count on my assassins to help you in your quest!" [/message] [/then] [/if] {CLEAR_VARIABLE freed_Jetto} [endlevel] result=victory bonus=yes {NEW_GOLD_CARRYOVER 40} [/endlevel] [/event] {HERO_DEATHS} [/scenario]