## Instructions to code your own VLC Lua services discovery script. $Id$ See lua/README.txt for generic documentation about Lua usage in VLC. Examples: See fmc.lua, frenchtv.lua ## API VLC Lua SD modules should define two functions: * descriptor(): returns a table with information about the module. The table has the following members: .title: the name of the SD .capabilities: A list of your SD's capabilities. Only the following flags are supported yet: * 'search' : Does your SD handle search himself Example: function descriptor() return { title = "My SD's title", capabilities={"search"}} end * main(): will be called when the SD is started. It should use VLC's SD API described in lua/README.txt do add the items found. * search(query_string): Will be called with a string to search for services/medias matching that string. User defined modules stored in the share/lua/modules/ directory are available. Read the 'Lazy initialization' section Available VLC specific Lua modules: input, msg, net, object, sd, strings, variables, stream, gettext, xml. See lua/README.txt. ## Lazy Initialization SD Lua scripts are actually ran in two different contexts/interpreters. One of them is the one that will call your main() and search() functions. The other one is a lighter one that will only fetch your description(). Due to threading issues and to reduce implementation complexity (NDLR: i guess), the description() interpreter doesn't load/expose VLC's API nor add share/lua/modules to the lua load path (these modules are using vlc API anyway). This has some implications to the way you need to load modules. This means you cannot make a global/top-level require for the module you use but instead use lazily load them from the main() and/or search() functions. Here's an example implementation: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- lazily_loaded = false dkjson = nil function lazy_load() if lazily_loaded then return nil end dkjson = require("dkjson") lazily_loaded = true end function descriptor() return { title = "..." } end function main() lazy_load() -- Do stuff here end function search(query) lazy_load() -- Do stuff here end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------