/* * Copyright (C) 2015 Jumpnow Technologies, LLC - http://jumpnowtek.com * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as * published by the Free Software Foundation. */ &am33xx_pinmux { keymap_pins: pinmux_keymap_pins { pinctrl-single,pins = < 0x040 (PIN_INPUT_PULLDOWN | ALTELECTRICALSEL | MUX_MODE7) /* P9.15, gpio1[16] */ 0x044 (PIN_INPUT_PULLDOWN | ALTELECTRICALSEL | MUX_MODE7) /* P9.23, gpio1[17] */ 0x04c (PIN_INPUT_PULLDOWN | ALTELECTRICALSEL | MUX_MODE7) /* P9.16, gpio1[19] */ 0x198 (PIN_INPUT_PULLDOWN | ALTELECTRICALSEL | MUX_MODE7) /* P9.30, gpio3[16] */ 0x154 (PIN_INPUT_PULLDOWN | ALTELECTRICALSEL | MUX_MODE7) /* P9.21, gpio0[3] */ >; }; }; / { gpio_keys { compatible = "gpio-keys"; pinctrl-names = "default"; pinctrl-0 = <&keymap_pins>; #address-cells = <1>; #size-cells = <0>; button@1 { debounce_interval = <50>; linux,code = <105>; label = "left"; gpios = <&gpio1 16 0x1>; gpio-key,wakeup; autorepeat; }; button@2 { debounce_interval = <50>; linux,code = <106>; label = "right"; gpios = <&gpio1 17 0x1>; gpio-key,wakeup; autorepeat; }; button@3 { debounce_interval = <50>; linux,code = <103>; label = "up"; gpios = <&gpio1 19 0x1>; gpio-key,wakeup; autorepeat; }; button@4 { debounce_interval = <50>; linux,code = <108>; label = "down"; gpios = <&gpio3 16 0x1>; gpio-key,wakeup; autorepeat; }; button@5 { debounce_interval = <50>; linux,code = <28>; label = "enter"; gpios = <&gpio0 3 0x1>; gpio-key,wakeup; }; }; };