Okt, 9, 2013 (3180 rev.) + Added: new editor, new map format support May, 14, 2012 (2860 rev.) + Fixed: battle: redraw castle interface + Fixed: battle: path with moat stop + Fixed: battle: redraw shield spell, captain init spell + Fixed: battle: option "heroes: remember MP/SP for retreat/surrender result" + Fixed: battle: wide fly animation + Fixed: battle: teleport spell + Fixed: battle: experience calculation + Fixed: world: add more info for recruit heroes + Fixed: world: allow payment with negative resource + Fixed: world: road direction, update pathfinding, update route penalty + Fixed: game: update save filename + Fixed: game: AI priority pickup objects + Added: game: origin (non-free) tilesets + Update: load alt resource (add index position), add store icn cache Apr, 11, 2012 (2824 rev.) + Fixed: castle: marketplace max button + Fixed: world: kingdom incomes, added a negative balance + Fixed: world: open a Jail from any direction + Fixed: world: monsters stacks have 1 level upg. stack in middle stack + Fixed: pocketpc: allow castle guardians + Fixed: pocketpc: add large buttons for battle + Added: world: Alhemist action + Added: world: Kingdom::Overview dialog + Added: castle: swap button for guardians + Added: option: "game: offer to continue the game afer victory condition" + Added: option: "world: disable Barrow Mounds" + Added: option: "world: each castle allows one hero to be recruited every week" Mar, 01, 2012 (2764 rev.) + Fixed: world: maps passable new version algorithm. + Fixed: world: capture object abandone mine + Fixed: world: hero join troop and recruit monster from tile + Fixed: world: capture objects WindMill and WaterWheel for AI, automatic collection from Wind/Water mills, add Magic Garden + Fixed: world: bugs of monster units deployment at a "Month of ..." + Fixed: battle: disable resurrect for elemental + Fixed: battle: fixed animation attack with empty sprite (blink) + Fixed: game: remove stop hero, for invalid event maps + Fixed: game: default action key for hero focus + Fixed: game: close spell book (empty spell) + Fixed: game: redrawing window borders with black on calling NewGame or LoadGame menu with high resolution (thanks ghox@users.sourceforge.net) + Fixed: game: load game with incorrect hero path, fixed loadgame crash + Fixed: game: hero directly attack monster + Fixed: game: add always ask for poor morale/luck visiting + Fixed: game: update luck stats + Remove: option: "unions: allow view maps", set always on + Remove: option: "world: use enhanced artifact info dialog", add artifact description info to dialog box + Remove: game: old format game support + Added: option: "unique artifacts for primary and secondary skills" Nov, 17, 2011 (2704 rev.) + Fixed: world: old format load: huge population + Fixed: world: maps event reset + Fixed: world: monster attack direction + check passable + Fixed: world: redraw hero, on whirlpool, stream + Fixed: world: passable, after remove objects: jail and barrier + Fixed: world: object light house, add clean fog rad: 8 tile + Fixed: world: GameStatic::GetMageGuildRestoreSpellPointsPercentDay + Fixed: battle: luck mod. only for Battle2::Stats::GetDamage Nov, 9, 2011 (2691 rev.) + Added: option: "world: Wind/Water Mills can be captured" + Added: option: "world: guardian objects gets +2 defense" + Added: option: "world: use enhanced artifact info dialog" + Fixed: AI: on water action, add pre battle action + Fixed: game: redraw status window, after join troop + Fixed: game: add save Kingdom::last_lose_hero object + Fixed: game: shipyard redraw order for necr castle + Fixed: world: place monster count MonthOfMonster + fixed: world: army GetSurrenderCost + Fixed: world: more passable objects + Fixed: world: maps events correct + Fixed: world: update UltimateArtifact + Fixed: world: WeekOf/MonthOf grown + Fixed: world: artifacts exempt MovePts/half damage/spell cost/double effects + Fixed: heroes: visiting objects: Buoy, Sirens, Mermaid, Skeleton + Fixed: heroes: cast DD - spell point decrease + Fixed: heroes: new day - regenerate sp + Fixed: battle: damage info limit coord + Fixed: battle: redraw troop with catapult + Fixed: battle: genie ability, genie attack, huge damage + Fixed: battle: log window show correct + Fixed: battle: popup attack dialog Oct, 1, 2011 (2620 rev.) + Fixed: heroes: new day action, restore magic points + Fixed: heroes: defaut action for teleport with zero move points + Fixed: status window redraw for large resolution + Fixed: game: month of monsters: count depends from size map + Fixed: game: meeting friendlies/attacking enemies through object, add extended change focus + Fixed: game: crash with large resolution + Fixed: game: Water Mills should only give 500 gold in first week. + Fixed: game: more passable objects, mountains, trees, towns, and other + Fixed: battle: spell cure/masscure to undead + Fixed: battle: resurect/true, animatedead spell + Added: game: marketplace add max label, add Dialog::MakeGiftResource + Added: option: "heroes: in Arena can choose any of primary skills" + Added: option: "world: Outer creature dwellings should accumulate units" + Added: option: "world: use unique artifacts" Sep, 14, 2011 (2566 rev.) + Fixed: battle: cast MirrorImage spell + Fixed: game: load binary settings + Fixed: game: fixed func GetMageGuildRestoreSpellPointsPercentDay + Fixed: game: fixed func DiggingForUltimateArtifact + Fixed: game: fixed loss conditions + Fixed: heroes: add Heroes::Mode(NOTDEFAULTS), and check this mode with AllHeroes::GetFreeman + Added: option: "world: Starting heroes as Loss Conditions for Human Players" + Added: option: "battle: reverse wait order (fast, average, slow)" + Added: option: "heroes: allow banned sec. skills upgrade" + Added: option: "world: Only 1 hero can be hired by the one player every week" Sep, 09, 2011 (2551 rev.) + Fixed: battle: dialog summary disable loop animation + Fixed: battle: redraw obstacles level + Fixed: world: DiggingForUltimateArtifact, reset position + Fixed: world: MonthOfMonstersAction, add check heroes and castles + Fixed: pocketpc: good luck animation + Fixed: battle: fixed bless + good luck, curse + bad luck + Fixed: battle: fixed attacker animation pause + Fixed: battle: wait order turn + Fixed: gui: marketplace dialog show splitter cursor + Fixed: music: ocean theme + Fixed: play battle music + Fixed: music: puzzle, victory, lose, artesian spring, nomad tents, tree house, demon cave, experience, skill, watch tower + Fixed: music: castle music when hero open/close dialog + Fixed: game: heroes attack to castle (with hero present) + Added: option: castle: allow recruits special/expansion heroes + Update: battle: Army::Dialog: added spell duration info + Update: QuickDialog for hero, disable show level for enemy hero + Fixed: hotseat: view AI move for all local players, unions: fixed maps view + Fixed: game: crash select maps, remove old save format support + Fixed: maps: RemoveJail, top cell object + Fixed: castle: neutral army present + Fixed: game: update QuickDialog view Castle::Army or Heroes::Army with Scoute Skill + Fixed: game: Game::CountScoute, add round values + Fixed: heroes: Heroes::GetFreeman, Heroes::isFreeman + Fixed: world: World::CheckKingdomLoss: for accumulate gold conditions + Fixed: ai: AI profiling, Castle::RecruitAllMonster Aug, 31, 2011 (2490 rev.) + Added: option: Artesian Springs have two separately visitable squares (h3 ver)" + Added: option: Higher Mage Guilds Regenerate More Spell Points/turn + Added: engine: external sprite load for tiles (xml) + Update: pot file + Update: heroes: add shipmaster marker to icons + Update: heroes: quick info: show luck/morale + Update: heroes: quick info: show level + Update: alternative fonts + Fixed: savefile: can not landing from boat to coast + Fixed: update objects WaterMill/WindMill/MagicGarde with hero present + Fixed: Heroes::ActionHeroes, Heroes::ActionCastle + Fixed: Weeks/Months Of messages and next_week + Fixed: shipwrek access from boat + Fixed: heroes: resource Artifacts income bonus + Fixed: heroes: cast spell TownGate/Portal on water + Fixed: Heroes::ActionToSkeleton, fixed Heroes::SetVisitedWideTile + Fixed: heroes: visit status for ActionToPoorLuckObject - Pyramid, fixed: ActionToSkeleton visited + Fixed: world: MP2::IsWaterObject add LoyaltyVersion check + Fixed: world: teleport check on water status (LoyaltyVersion) + Fixed: heroes: ActionToCoast + Fixed: unions: disable battle + Fixed: world: teleport with battle crash, fixed default action key + check move point + Fixed: heroes: check max move points for digging + Fixed: world: get count info from objects with scoute ability + Fixed: world: add action for busy teleport (battle or meeting) + Fixed: AI: recruit hero and check castle + Fixed: custom portrait, +level up + Fixed: hotseat: show maps + Fixed: battle: wizard cast opponent sprite + Fixed: game: digging on water + Fixed: game: focus for multi players Aug, 04, 2011 (2440 rev.) + Added: option: autosave begin of day + Fixed: world: move "lean to" object + Fixed: game: AI recruit hero, fixed: recruit hero and surrender status + Fixed game: crash, Castle::ActionNewWeek, Castle::ActionNewMonth + Fixed: AI: recruit troops for castles + Fixed: game: Army::color null after load game + Update: xml resources + Fixed: AI: add prioritize range attackers and others... + Added: game: WeekOfMonster can be 1 in every 3 + Fixed: battle animation, opponent animation and kill troop animation + Fixed: World: next teleport scan + Fixed: pocketpc: necromancer build shrine + Fixed: GUI: incorrect focus after restart game + Fixed: GUI: incorrect show splitter Jun, 26, 2011 (2390 rev.) + Update: translation: (ru, sv, es, hu, pl) + Fixed: game: Army::GetSurrenderCost + Fixed: game: days period for lost hero + Fixed: game: percents string + Fixed: game: scroll spells for meeting heroes + Fixed: game: AI shipmaster and pickup resource + Added: game: click mouse and stop hero + Added: world: new growth rules + Added: option: BanWeekOf + Added: option: BanPlagues + Added: option: MonthOfMonsters + Added: option: NewVersionWeekOfMonsters May, 26, 2011 (2356 rev.) + Added: game: BattleOnly: add sec. skill modify + Added: android: latest fixes + Fixed: AI: check cast spell + Fixed: heroes: arena visit + Fixed: game: crash with old save format + Fixed: game: diplomacy skill, count mounster + Fixed: game: Heroes::HaveSpell with bag artifact + Fixed: game: Heroes::CanLearnSpell + Fixed: game: artifact contain spell + Fixed: game: DimensionDoor spell, on water + Fixed: game: redraw town name, after switch hero/guardian Mar, 13, 2011 (2334 rev.) + Update: translations + Added: game: quick info: penalty cost + Added: game: plural descriptions for artifacts + Added: android: latest changes + Fixed: game: CampFire gold value + Fixed: game: invalid game focus for load game type + Fixed: game: gameover loss condition + Fixed: game: hotkey hero move Mar, 2, 2011 + Update: remove old save formats: 2100, 2154, 2178, 2213, 2248 + Update: android: latest changes + Update: army upgrade message + Update: stats files (stevenaus ver. 02) + Fixed: gameover: wins side + Fixed: setlocale (win32 ver.) + Update: visiting info, and depend. scoute skills + Fixed: set start focus to first hero + Added: heroes: add move points info + Fixed: spells.xml: increase move point limit + Fixed: artifact: level for Heart of Ice and Fire + Fixed: game: army bar redraw + fixed: double wins dialog popup + Fixed: game: show artifact sprite + Fixed castle: build req. indicator + Fixed: battle: close spell book + Fixed: castle: mageguild coordinate + Added: global.xml: monster upgrade ratio param + Fixed: Dialog::ArmyInfo buttons + Fixed: battle: morale cond. override + Fixed: save dialog "saved successfully" + Fixed: heroes: Shrine visit + Fixed: battle: spell store for eye eagle skill + Fixed: ai: hide move + Fixed: game: transcribe scroll - add check wisdom Feb, 16, 2011 + Added: spells.xml: move point use for spell cast + Added: game: transcribe scroll option + Fixed: game: load old format game + Fixed: game: hotseat select players Feb, 10, 2011 + Added: game: BattleOnly (experimental) Jan, 22, 2011 + Fixed: artifact: crystal ball level + Added: game: localized maps support, add iconv support + Update: Spell::RandAdventure + Fixed: game: update shipmaster cursor, upgrade monster button, dialog thievesguild reset cursor, hidden campaign button + Update: world: passable objects Jan, 20, 2011 + Fixed: pocketpc: show army info dialog + Fixed heroes: auto move hero after battle + Fixed: heroes: restore spell points + Fixed: heroes: switch combat formation + Fixed: heroes: restore spell points + Fixed: heroes: ActionToBoat + Fixed: castle: area detect + Fixed: castle: open mage guild + Fixed: castle: GetArmy with guard hero + Fixed: battle: reflect wide troops attack + Fixed: battle: Roc and Ghost hit animations + Fixed: battle: update ghost attack priority + Fixed: world: Arena visit, update visit wide objects + Fixed: world: artifact "crystall ball" action + Fixed: game: high score window + Fixed: game: cursor for shimaster + Added: game: localize maps support, add option: "maps charset =" + Added: world: customize sec. skills for Witchs Hut + Added: world: disable spells support (spells.xml) + Added: world: artifacts.xml customize value + Added: options: "heroes: pickup artifact + info dialog" Jan, 12, 2011 + Added: update translations + Fixed: heroes: disable auto move for hero vs monster + Fixed: pocketpc: change monster and update resource bar + Fixed: battle: attack castle heroes Jan, 11, 2011 + Fixed: ai: patrol mode + Fixed: castle: necromancer shrine building + Fixed: battle: disable luck animation with bless mode (and reverse) + Fixed: battle: skip pickup artifacts for retreat/surrender result + Fixed: battle: double cell attack for wide troop + Fixed: battle: for genie damage abil. + Fixed: battle: unicorn blind + Fixed: pocketpc: castle dialog + Fixed: world: attack to castle with two hero (guest and guardian) + Fixed: world: attack few monsters, first monster attack + Fixed: world: allow attack from temple + Fixed: world: Windmill wood resource + Fixed: world: monster count with custom value + Fixed: world: initial spell book for barbs and knights + Fixed: game: global hostkeys + Fixed: heroes: action to sphinx + Added: pocketpc: drag drop scroll + Added: pocketpc: castle guardians support + Added: castle: flash curent building + Added: options: "heroes: after battle move to target cell" Dec, 15, 2010 + Added: new ttf fonts + Fixed: battle: auto battle switch for all players + Fixed: battle: simple animation for lightning spells + Fixed: battle: bridge animation + Fixed: battle: castle walls redraw + Fixed: battle: wide troop move + Fixed: battle: end game with damage spells + Fixed: battle: bless spell exclude good luck, and curse spell exclude bad luck + Fixed: battle: genie damage - if genies can kill all then his ability will disabled + Fixed: passable for "Lean To" object + Fixed: mageguild: click info + Fixed: save GUI positions + Fixed: heroes visiting objects Dec, 08, 2010 + Fixed: disable save binary for loaded game + Fixed: WateringHole action + Added: hero to castle guardians feature + Fixed: spell name width (Armageddon and other) + Fixed: AI patrol mode + Fixed: battle turn orders + Added: show game settings from game + Added: new option "fonts small render" and "fonts normal render" + fixed: battle order troops move + Added: random move for hero with patrol mode + Added: "buy all monster" to castle well dialog, (work with option "buy from well") + Fixed: bad luck message + Added: store puzzle orders to savefile + Fixed: ultimate artifact puzzle image (remove objects) + Fixed: goodluck sound for battle + Added: heroes sleeping mode (default key: z) + Fixed: patrol mode, with Kingdom::ApplyPlayWithStartingHero + Fixed: event maps for protection tile (first will be a battle) + Fixed: battle blind spell (clean after tower attack and damage spell) + Fixed: gameover conditions (defeat/loss hero) + Fixed: windmill resource (remove wood) + Fixed: archers damage with castle walls + Fixed: battle attack for wide troop + Fixed: battle info damage range correctted + Added: 900 ms delay for battle info popup, open log window with last message currently + Added: battle luck animation (rainbow) + Added: ANDROID build support Nov, 24, 2010 + Fixed: castle dialog: resource bar redraw + Fixed: bugs #3113888 empty treasure chest, fixed GameResult::CheckGameOver for load game + Fixed: redraw gamearea with non standard display size + Added: popup damage info for battle + Added: wait button for battle interface, also added list logs + Fixed: fix sphinx meeting + Added: Battle::Speed gui settings + Fixed: objects quickinfo dialog + Added: numpad keys support + Updated: AI update, AI strength update + Fixed: AI wins and game over + Fixed: marketplace dialog + Fixed: crash, empty army after ai::meetings Nov, 15, 2010 + Fixed: mixer sound interrupt + Fixed: focus::center, fixed ultimate artifact draw positions + Fixed: when an army of monsters on the grond and close by hero chipmaster on sea + Fixed: resurrect spell - count, animation, status info + Fixed: update AI engine + Fixed: save gui position and scroll maps offset + Fixed: status bar info for castle and pocketpc vers. + Fixed: twice attack after paralize stats Nov, 1, 2010 + Fixed: localized date/time string (load/save dialog) + Fixed: scroll and left click for pocketpc + Fixed: initial double spell book (occurrence possibility) + Fixed: battle move troops + Added: "battle speed" settings + Added: new hotkeys engine, added fheroes2.key + Fixed: battle retreat/surrender with captain + Fixed: temple - protects from participation in battle Oct, 12, 2010 + Fixed: spell cost for Summonig Elem. to 30 mp + Fixed: artifact "Book of Elements" action + Fixed: reflect sprite for Shield spell + Fixed: redraw status window after changed themes + Added: params "scroll speed", "ai speed" and "heroes speed" (see fheroes2.cfg) + Fixed: animations delays + Fixed: scroll gamearea code + Added: disable mixer for iconify window app. + Added: wince: added icon to toolbar, and added check running prog. + Added: fast blitting engine + Fixed: win32 binary dll + Fixed: ThievesGuild info depends from count guilds, added ThievesGuild for QVGA version Sep, 18, 2010 + Updated: Dialog::ThievesGuild + Fixed: wince double click, wince auto videomode + Updated translations: russian, swedish, spanish + Added options: "heroes: recalculate movement points after creatures movement" + Fixed Heroes::ActionToDwellingRecruitMonster and Heroes::ActionToDwellingBattleMonster + Added "Anduran Battle Garb" artifact combined + Added: multiple icons for mass spells + Added options: heroes: surrendering gives some experience + Updated monster animation on maps + Fixed "Ultimate Stuff" sprite for Loyalty version + Fixed Maps::Tiles::GoodForUltimateArtifact + Added stats files (stevenaus ver.) + Fixed result for wins side + Fixed race/skill weight is 0, Skill::Secondary::GetWeightSkillFromRace + Fixed out of range for Interface::Basic::GetDimensionDoorDestination + Fixed zlogo leak memory + Added switch on/off mouse emulation + Added option: remember mp/sp for surrendering/retreating heroes + Added option for recruit hero cost to be dependent on hero level + Fixed default extra haste, slow values + Added optins: allow buy spellbook from shrines + Added: allow buy spellbook and visit Mage Guild for unions + Fixed autosave remember + Fixed scholar repeat dialog Jun, 06, 2010 + Added feature: Eagle Eye Scholar + Fixed heroes meetings and castle visit, with unions disabled + Added options: world: only the first monster will attack (H2 orig). + Added dynamic castle bottom passable check + Added dynamic intarface settings + Updated translation, update changelog, release out 1895 + Fixed multiple maps: human only settings + Fixed multiplayer map filter + Fixed multiplayer map filter + Fixed necromancer morale info + Added fix for race with custom portrait + Added random dwelling2 builds for default castle + Fixed fullscreen options + Fixed pockept keyb, and fixed build + Added pocketpc virtual keyboard, remove dialog_chat.cpp May, 27, 2010 + Update translation files + Fixed: genie ability, added custom genie ability, rename battle.xml to animations.xml + Fixed: blind spell, dwarf magic resist, resurect dead troop + Fixed: necromancer morale info + Fixed: necromancer skeletons up + Fixed: battle catapult targets + Updated: diplomacy for surrender and join monster + Updated: gameover conditions (WINS_SIDE), added unions (alliance) + Added: pocketpc virtual keyboard + Fixed: dwelling count with begin week + Fixed: World::NewMonth actions + Fixed: multiplayer map filter Apr, 24, 2010 + Added: extended scouting capability + Fixed: manual set hero portrait and class type + Fixed: spell duration for magic monsters + Fixed: air element + lightning 200% damage + Fixed: elemental immunable mind spells + Added: groupped/spread battle format + Added: hero patrol mode + Update: wins/loss game conditions, update game info dialog + Added: battle hard skip with +2 defense + Fixed: autosave remember settings + Fixed: set guardian with last troop + Added: pickup artifact scenario messages + Added: artifacts affinities HideousMask, StatesmanQuill, CrystalBall, extra settings CrystalBall added spells Visions and IdentifyHero + Fixed: broken bridge animation Apr, 9, 2010 + Update latest translation files from launchpad + Update battle: fixed blind, paralize and stone + Added options, battle: skip turn and +2 defence + Fixed original version Slow and Haste speed + Added check save format + Updated battle: added check end battle after tower action + Fixed shipyard check + Updated battle: added check for probable overflow count troop + Added settings: no in-built requirements artifacts + Fixed mageguild learn hero + Fixed castle building animation + Fixed archers attack + Added settings: archmage can resists (20%) bad spells, magic creatures can resists (20%) same magic + Fixed magic resist troop battle animation + Updated captain: added spell book defaults, update captain stats with modificators + Fixed morale modificator with end battle + Fixed crash, out of range: hero retreat + Fixed Battle::Stats::GetCommander Battle::Stats::GetArmy with hypnotize and berzerker + Fixed dwelling population with hero present + Fixed artifact bar redraw + Added check for changes SetGuardians + Fixed battle AllowApplySpell without commander, fixed battle obstacle position, fixed Medusa Stone spell duration + Fixed archers animation handfighting attack + Fixed wagon camp passable sprite + Fixed load game and new game state + Updated load/save dialogue, added settings: remember last filename + Fixed AI magick, shots and move priority + Added visited Xanadu update visited shrine, update, name shrine info + Added confirm autosave + Updated visited witch hut, and name Mar, 27, 2010 + Added set guardian for capture objects + Fixed obstacles positions for battle, added archers penalty from obstacles + Fixed show radar opposite position for hotseat game + Updated: main dialogues with yellow color for header + Added: customizing value: heroes restore spell points per day, update globals.xml + Fixed name objects: Mines, Campfire, update 'Treasure Chest' and 'Sea Chest' + Added sorting spell for open book + Fixed golem attack sprite direction + Fixed shot sound attack + Fixed AI spellcast after move + Fixed spells 'Town Gate' and 'Town Portal' check other hero present + Added ext. info for joining and recruits monster dwellings, for shrine, for resources, witch hut and other + Added Symbian port + Added polish translation + Added more visited info check + Fixed whirlpool sprite detect, added customizing wirlpool percent to globals.xml + Update objects and artifacts names + Added cast spell 'Town Portal' Mar, 20, 2010 + Fixed Lightning Bolt damage + Added Dialog::Settings + Added plural form for monster name + Update text, separate context for spell Slow and speed Slow + Fixed Necromancy skill ability + Added Visions spell, and 'Identify Hero' spell + Update dialog scenario, set default params from last game + Update show status info: skip empty army + Fixed redraw top hero sprite with objects + Added 'Haunt' spell + Added 'Set Elemental Guardians' spell + Added customizing secondary skills + Added customization params kingdom::max_heroes + Fixed restore spell points from mysticism + Fixed 'Standing Stones' secondary visited + Fixed starting spell points for recruit heroes + Updated AI for double cell attack monsters + Updated battle GetDamage algorithm Mar, 13, 2010 + Added customizing 'Dimension Door' spell + Added spells customizing (spell cost and damage and others params) + Fixed casting spell from scroll artifact + Fixed Mage and ArchMage battle animation + Fixed battle 'Hypnotize' spell and Resurrect Spells apply + Fixed battle artifact 'Wizard's Hat' and 'Hourglass' + Fixed catapult order destroy objects + Added SDL-1.3 build support + Fixed "Start with hero in each player.." option + Added cast 'Dimension Door', 'Summon Boat', 'Town Gate' + Added customizing spells + Added pocketpc hardware buttons support Mar, 7, 2010 + Fixed joined monster + Fixed battle animations + Added status message for resurrect spells and death spells + Fixed battle necromancy ability + Fixed monster magick attack + Added bridge animation for battle + Fixed battle order speed troop + Updated spell action for Battle AI + Fixed battle wins/loss music + Fixed "mirror image" and "summon elemental" spell for battle + Fixed update dwelling population + Fixed recruit monster from "water altar " and "eath altar" Feb, 17, 2010 + Fixed Coliseum and Storm building ability + Added dismiss troop warning and update troop total cost info + Fixed game over result for wins_side + Fixed move point and spell point for recruit hero + Added customizing skill heroes and captain + Added customizing buildings, payments costs and profits + Added customizing monster stats + Added load alternative animation sprite for battle + Fixed battle morale + Fixed dublicate maps directory + Updated grown monsters on maps, fixed genie initial count + Fixed pyramid action + Fixed distrupting ray spell animation, fixed battle yellow status + Fixed start dialogues for loaded game + Fixed battle morale with skip turn + Fixed battle archers Feb, 8, 2010 + Fixed catapult animation + Added battle ai mass spell action + Fixed moat path restriction + Updates speed animations + Added system info (free memory, time for pocketpc) + Fixed config read + Updated new battle logic Jan, 29, 2010 + Added new battle engine, QVGA support + Fixed spells lasting past the end of a battle + Fixed spells lasting indefinitely in battle + Fixed monsters casting spells on dead units + Added heroes path store + Fixed hot seat crash + Fixed redistribute army + Fixed spell book filter Nov, 27, 2009 + fixed multiple pickup maps event + fixed sounds in battle being clipped. Stop battle music at end of battle summary. + added new mixer code, alternative sound load update code, reduce memory usage Nov, 8, 2009 + fixed heroes fadein/fadeout + fixed multiple maps event + update mixer + added options alt resource, support ogg sounds + added options hide ai move + fixed obelisk action, updated open puzzle algorithm + added builtin icon (mingw32, mingw32ce) + update artifact Arm of the Martyr + added artifact Spell Scroll + fixed heroes action (meetings/battle) with other heroes (shipmaster) + added rescan path for heroes with new day + added check full bag artifacts for heroes; + added ActionToTravelersTent and ActionToBarrier + fixed battle: fix flag, fix count troop visible + fixed 65k count for battle troop Oct, 22, 2009 - Development build, 1299 + Updated size army for heroes/castles info + Updated save file format version + Updated AI move, fix redraw status window + Added support translation for name and description maps, maps messages + Fixed recruit hero with empty army + Fixed restore magic point for heroes + Added tap delay settings, update high scores dialogue + Added buy magic book for pocketpc version + Fixed capture abandoned mine, add AI action abandoned mine + Fixed AI move midi cd music + Added store high scores and update high scores dialogue + Added force lang options + Added translation for original map files (sign, rumors, events message, sphinx riddle) + Added emulation the right mouse button for tap mode + Added low memory actions + Update pocketpc dialogues + Fixed more problems with troops moving too close in battle. + Keep battle win/lose music from looping. Play the puzzle music when not using midi. + Fixed incorrect battle results being displayed when battling AI. + Fixed trolls starting with much more health than they should in battle. + Fixed various problems in battle causing troops to attack from too far away. Oct, 7, 2009 - Development build, 1235 + Fixed for Battle: DrawShadow and DrawCell support 8 bit for default depth, fast move cursor for battle scene, fix left click for move current troop, set cursor WAR_NONE after kick + added puzzle dialogue for pocketpc version, fix for redraw heroes move + added binary save format + few updates for pocketpc version + added buy boat and marketplace dialogue for pocketpc + added tap mode and offset pointer settings for pocketpc (one touch as mouse click) Developers + added WITHOUT_EDITOR, WITHOUT_ZLIB and WITHOUT_XML build options Sep, 28, 2009 - Development build, 1210 + More updates for pocketpc version Sep, 17, 2009 - Development build, 1195 Users + Added pocketpc version interface + Added load fheroes2.cfg and gamedata from FHEROES2_DATA environment + Added new options: "use fade = on/off", "hide interface = on/off" + Added add hot key: m - move hero, o - system dialog, n - start new game + Added new interface: hide interface + Fixed performance, (remove delay from pathfinding) + Fixed castle resource panel + Fixed visit obelisk + Fixed building for differences plathorm (OSX, mingw32, wince) + Fixed Abandoned Mine name, add extra text in quick info. + Added zlib support for xml save files + Update music readme with more specific information. + Update translation files from launchpad Developers + Added CONFIGURE_FHEROES2_DATA build defines for gamedata + Added WITHOUT_MIXER build option + Redistribute main loop game_startgame.cpp, move radar, buttons, status to interface gui, other small changes. May 30, 2009 - Development build r1117 Users + Memory usage reductions. + Fixed various battle summary window glitches. + Fixed numerous errors with multi-cell attacks (dragons, cyclopes, etc). + Corrected logic error causing AI units to believe they could attack when they shouldn't, and vice versa. + Added game over conditions. + Added puzzle piece fading effect. + Creatures can now receive morale boosts when not attacking. + Fixed text for recruiting free monster dwellings. + Fixed incorrect logic for halving damage through castle walls. + Fixed rare siuation in battle when ranged troops think they are performing a melee attack even if they are not. + Fixed starting resource for AI. + Enabled key repeating. + Hero path arrows now reflect movement penalties. + Double clicking on an entry in a file selection box will choose that item. + Added Spanish translation. + Multiple events can now occur on the same day. + Fixed bug causing obelisks not to be counted past the first visited, causing maps like Dragon Rider to now work. + Fixed music restarting with every step taken by a player's hero. + Fixed relatively rare crash involving the AI and ranged units in battle, most obvious in the opening turn of Dragon Rider. + If a hero is attacked while in a castle, a castle battle is now initiated, and as many troops as possible in the castle's army are moved into the defending hero's army. Developers + SDL_Mixer music and sound callbacks removed, as they were potentially dangerous as used. April 23, 2009 - Development build r1021 Users + Added glowing outlines around currently selected monster in battles. + Battle victory/defeat music now plays properly when viewing the summary. + Races are no longer grayed out on the scenario panel when restarting a game. + All units in battle now deal a minimum of 1 damage, with damage modifiers now capped at -30% and 300% as specified in the original manual. + Heroes may no longer surrender to non-heroes. + Removed 'Upgrade' and 'Dismiss' buttons from monster info dialogs in battle. + Fixed bug causing enemy corpses to resurrect with 65000 units. + Heroes now receive experience corresponding to amount of damage dealt in battles, and the new number displays properly in the summary dialog. + Extra income is no longer received on the first day of the game. + Added support for Eagle Eye and Necromancy skills. + Elves and Rangers will no longer perform hand to hand combat attacks twice. + Screenshots now save to files/screenshot_[time].(png|bmp) + Starting monster stack sizes are now more in line with Heroes II defaults. + Added an info window in the status bar when collecting resources. + Added support for Diplomacy skill: monsters will now offer to join you if your army is powerful enough. + Saving and loading of games has been implemented, as has autosave (configured in fheroes2.cfg) + Fixed various bugs with heroes learning spells when entering a castle and class-specific starting spells. + Fixed a bug in which the computer would take over certain battles in which a hero or captain was not present. This fixes the map Revolution, among others. + The keep and towers will now deal appropriate damage in castle battles. + Battle status messages are now visible for longer. + Heroes now level up at game start as they do in HoMM II. + Fixed a bug causing heroes to gain levels in multiple primary skills on levelup. + Genies now have 9% chance to halve the size of any troop attacked in battle. + Ghosts gain 1 unit for every unit they kill. + Pathfinding will now avoid tiles which would trigger a battle. Developers + Added wrapper library around SDL_net and networking client/server examples. + Added support for replacing ICN files at runtime with other images. March 19, 2009 - Development build r915 Users + Added Russian translation .po file. + Added actions for Mermaids, Sirens, Arenas, Stables, Barrow Mounds, Elemental Recruiting, Jails, HutMagi, EyeMagi, and Sphinxes. + Added load and save game support. + AI battles now use battle system logic to properly decide outcomes. + Added support for castle and town battles. + Arrow keys now move the current hero, while CTRL+arrow scrolls the map view. Developers + Removed libxml2 dependence + Added build options (WITHOUT_PNG, WITHOUT_UNICODE) + Battle engine rewritten to separate logic from display, and to allow for future expansion (ie. castles/towns). + Added gettext support. + Unicode support with TTF font render. February 1, 2009 - Development build r850 Users + Added icn2png convertor tools + Campfires now give gold rewards along with other resources. (afletdinov) + Numeric fields now accept keyboard input. (afletdinov) + Black Dragons now correctly cost 2 sulphur. (afletdinov) + Artifacts with resource costs are now fixed, instead of changing randomly each time a hero touches the artifact. (afletdinov) + Fixed maps generating the same random artifact multiple times. (afletdinov) + Added actions for Tree of Knowledge, Oracle, and Demon Cave map objects. (afletdinov) + Fixed various endian issues which made fheroes2 unplayable on AmigaOS. (afletdinov) + Added keyboard hotkeys for buttons on the main menu and ending the turn in game. (afletdinov, revvy) Developers + Nothing. December 25, 2008 - Development build r807 Users + Heroes now level up and learn new skills based on race tables from HoMM II. (afletdinov) + Wide monsters in battle now properly reflect in place, fixing a number of overlapping troop bugs. (revvy) + Animation speed on the main adventure screen can now be controlled from the settings panel in game. (afletdinov) + Added animations for previously static objects (stone liths, treasure chests, fountains). (afletdinov) + Added rudimentary AI for castle building, recruiting troops and controlling heroes. (afletdinov) + Stopped end turn confirmation dialog from appearing when all heroes cannot move any further along their paths, but still have movement points remaining. (revvy) + Added music to Barbarian castle. (afletdinov) + Tiles surrounding a monster on the adventure screen now show the battle mouse cursor. (afletdinov) + Battle summary screen no longer misses some captured artifacts. (revvy) + Added ultimate artifact puzzle interface. (revvy, afletdinov) + Fixed a bug preventing remaining HP information from showing up in the monster info window in battle. (revvy) + Fixed recurring problem in battles where AI units would walk next to a unit but not attack. (revvy) + Fixed bug causing marketplace dialog to close after every trade. (revvy) + Fixed various problems with dialogs being slightly transparent and very ugly. (afletdinov, revvy) + Fixed bug causing experience award display on battle summary screen to always show 0. (revvy) + Tiles surrounding monsters on the adventure screen now display the proper fight cursor. (afletdinov) + All major dialogs should respond like HoMM II to ESC and RET key presses. (afletdinov) + Message boxes now display the title in proper yellow letters. (afletdinov) + Monsters now properly draw in front of scenery and other monsters while moving in battle. (revvy) + Many more bug fixes. Developers + Army::Troops has been split into Army::Troop (for storing monster type, total number, and primary skill) and Army::BattleTroop, which holds information about animation, hit points, and position. (revvy) + Fixed a couple endian issues, so fheroes2 should theoretically work perfectly on MacOS (revvy, afletdinov) November 20, 2008 - Development build r571 + Everything!