#include #include int main(){ double a = 3.14159; float b = 25.0; int c = 545; long int d = 123; char e = 'A'; bool f = true; // no need for definition in C++ printf("a value %.4f and size %d bytes (@addr %p).\n", a, sizeof(a), &a); printf("b value %4.2f and size %d bytes (@addr %p).\n", b, sizeof(b), &b); printf("c value %d (oct %o, hex %x) and " \ "size %d bytes (@addr %p).\n", c, c, c, sizeof(c), &c); printf("d value %d and size %d bytes (@addr %p).\n", d, sizeof(d), &d); printf("e value %c and size %d bytes (@addr %p).\n", e, sizeof(e), &e); printf("f value %5d and size %d bytes (@addr %p).\n", f, sizeof(f), &f); }