#objdump: -sr #name: Unwind table generation # This is the VxWorks variant of this file. #source: unwind.s #not-skip: *-*-vxworks* .*: file format.* RELOCATION RECORDS FOR \[.ARM.extab\]: OFFSET TYPE VALUE 0000000c R_ARM_PREL31 .text RELOCATION RECORDS FOR \[.ARM.exidx\]: OFFSET TYPE VALUE 00000000 R_ARM_PREL31 .text 00000000 R_ARM_NONE __aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0 00000008 R_ARM_PREL31 .text.*\+0x00000004 00000008 R_ARM_NONE __aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr1 0000000c R_ARM_PREL31 .ARM.extab 00000010 R_ARM_PREL31 .text.*\+0x00000008 00000014 R_ARM_PREL31 .ARM.extab.*\+0x0000000c 00000018 R_ARM_PREL31 .text.*\+0x0000000c 0000001c R_ARM_PREL31 .ARM.extab.*\+0x0000001c 00000020 R_ARM_PREL31 .text.*\+0x00000010 00000028 R_ARM_PREL31 .text.*\+0x00000012 00000030 R_ARM_PREL31 .text.*\+0x00000014 00000034 R_ARM_PREL31 .ARM.extab.*\+0x0000002c Contents of section .text: 0000 (0000a0e3 0100a0e3 0200a0e3 0300a0e3|e3a00000 e3a00001 e3a00002 e3a00003) .* 0010 (04200520|20052004) .* Contents of section .ARM.extab: 0000 (449b0181 b0b08086|81019b44 8680b0b0) 00000000 00000000 .* 0010 (8402b101 b0b0b005 2a000000 00c60281|01b10284 05b0b0b0 0000002a 8102c600) .* 0020 (d0c6c1c1 b0b0c0c6|c1c1c6d0 c6c0b0b0) 00000000 (429b0181|81019b42) .* 0030 (b0008086|868000b0) 00000000 .* Contents of section .ARM.exidx: 0000 00000000 (b0b0a880|80a8b0b0) 00000000 00000000 .* 0010 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 .* 0020 00000000 (08849780|80978408) 00000000 (b00fb180|80b10fb0) .* 0030 00000000 00000000 .* # Ignore .ARM.attributes section #...