// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // This file is part of the HandBrake source code - It may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public License. // // // The video encoder. // // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace HandBrake.ApplicationServices.Interop.Model.Encoding { using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations; using HandBrake.ApplicationServices.Attributes; /// /// The video encoder. /// public enum VideoEncoder { [Display(Name = "H.264 (x264)")] [ShortName("x264")] X264 = 0, [Display(Name = "H.264 10-bit (x264)")] [ShortName("x264_10bit")] X264_10, [Display(Name = "H.264 (Intel QSV)")] [ShortName("qsv_h264")] QuickSync, [Display(Name = "H.265 (Intel QSV)")] [ShortName("qsv_h265")] QuickSyncH265, [Display(Name = "MPEG-4")] [ShortName("mpeg4")] FFMpeg, [Display(Name = "MPEG-2")] [ShortName("mpeg2")] FFMpeg2, [Display(Name = "Theora")] [ShortName("theora")] Theora, [Display(Name = "H.265 (x265)")] [ShortName("x265")] X265, [Display(Name = "H.265 12-bit (x265)")] [ShortName("x265_12bit")] X265_12, [Display(Name = "H.265 10-bit (x265)")] [ShortName("x265_10bit")] X265_10, [Display(Name = "VP8")] [ShortName("VP8")] VP8, [Display(Name = "VP9")] [ShortName("VP9")] VP9 } }