CSS: CSS Modes


The Content Scrambling System (CSS)

CSS Modes

Decrypting Stream Data (Mode 1)

A DVD sector contains 2048 bytes (the same as a CD-ROM sector). Each sector has an MPEG-2 PACK header which is followed by either stream data (MPEG-2, AC-3, etc.) or other information (PCI and DSI). An introduction to this top-level format can be found here, or in Part 1 of the MPEG-2 specification (but note that DVD uses 2048-byte PACKs which is larger than the official maximum).

If a sector contains stream data, the PACK header is followed by a stream header which contains 2 bits for the encryption type. These bits are set to 00 for no encryption, and 01 for CSS encryption. (According to the source for css-auth, 10 is an unknown/reserved code and 11 is CPRM encryption).

Note that it is incorrect to look at these bits if the PACK is not stream data - most (all?) open-source CSS decryptors fail in this respect. Non-stream data can never be encrypted, since it lacks the header which specifies the encryption type.

Once you have a sector which needs decrypting using CSS, and the correct title key, the procedure is as follows:

  1. XOR the title key with a "salt" sequence - this is the bytes at offset 0x54 to 0x58 in the sector
  2. Initialize LFSR #1, LFSR #2 and CC
  3. Decrypt bytes 0x080 to 0x7FF in the sector, in that order

The LFSRs are run in mode 1 (H1 = 0xFF, H2 = 0x00) and each byte is decrypted using the following algorithm:

This decryption algorithm can be specified in C++ as follows:

	unsigned char salted_key[5];
	for (int ii = 0; ii < 5; ii++)
	    salted_key[ii] = key[ii] ^ sector[0x54 + ii];


	for (int ii = 0x080; ii < 0x800; ii++)
	    sector[ii] = css_table[sector[ii]] ^ GetLFSRBYTE(0xFF, 0x00);
And the CSS table is this:

	33  73  3B  26  63  23  6B  76  3E  7E  36  2B  6E  2E  66  7B
	D3  93  DB  06  43  03  4B  96  DE  9E  D6  0B  4E  0E  46  9B
	57  17  5F  82  C7  87  CF  12  5A  1A  52  8F  CA  8A  C2  1F
	D9  99  D1  00  49  09  41  90  D8  98  D0  01  48  08  40  91
	3D  7D  35  24  6D  2D  65  74  3C  7C  34  25  6C  2C  64  75
	DD  9D  D5  04  4D  0D  45  94  DC  9C  D4  05  4C  0C  44  95
	59  19  51  80  C9  89  C1  10  58  18  50  81  C8  88  C0  11
	D7  97  DF  02  47  07  4F  92  DA  9A  D2  0F  4A  0A  42  9F
	53  13  5B  86  C3  83  CB  16  5E  1E  56  8B  CE  8E  C6  1B
	B3  F3  BB  A6  E3  A3  EB  F6  BE  FE  B6  AB  EE  AE  E6  FB
	37  77  3F  22  67  27  6F  72  3A  7A  32  2F  6A  2A  62  7F
	B9  F9  B1  A0  E9  A9  E1  F0  B8  F8  B0  A1  E8  A8  E0  F1
	5D  1D  55  84  CD  8D  C5  14  5C  1C  54  85  CC  8C  C4  15
	BD  FD  B5  A4  ED  AD  E5  F4  BC  FC  B4  A5  EC  AC  E4  F5
	39  79  31  20  69  29  61  70  38  78  30  21  68  28  60  71
	B7  F7  BF  A2  E7  A7  EF  F2  BA  FA  B2  AF  EA  AA  E2  FF

Calculating the Response to a Challenge (Mode 3)

The DVD challenge-response protocol is used by a DVD player to authenticate itself with a drive (in theory it also works to authenticate the drive with the DVD player, although a player could easily not care).

The protocol uses three different key types and 32 different variants to calculate a 5-byte response from a 10-byte challenge. The key types are called KEY1, KEY2 and BUSKEY. See Drive Authentication for details of how these keys are used.

The calculation procedure works as follows:

  1. The challenge string is permuted (rearranged) depending on the key type
  2. A CSS key is created from the first 5 bytes of the permuted string
  3. The key is salted with the constant sequence F4 10 45 A3 E2 and the LFSRs are initialized
  4. The response is initialized from the last 5 bytes of the permuted string
  5. A mix byte is determined depending on the key type and the CSS variant
  6. The response is scrambled six times using the LFSRs running in mode 3 (H1 = H2 = 0xFF)
The scrambling function uses three primitives, which I call "mix", "xor" and "mess". These are easiest to describe directly in C++:

	void mix(unsigned char RSP[5], unsigned char MIXBYTE)
	    unsigned char lastbyte = 0;
	    for (int ii = 0; ii < 5; ii++)
	        unsigned char temp = mix1[RSP[ii] ^ GetLFSRBYTE(0xFF, 0xFF)];
	        temp = mix2[temp ^ MIXBYTE] ^ lastbyte;
	        lastbyte = RSP[ii];
	        RSP[ii] = temp;
	void xor(unsigned char RSP[5])
	    RSP[0] ^= RSP[4];

	void mess(unsigned char RSP[5])
	    for (int ii = 0; ii < 5; ii++)
	        RSP[ii] = mess[RSP[ii]];
Once these functions are derived, the total response calculation is as follows:

	// permute challenge string into key and initial response
	for (int ii = 0; ii < 5; ii++)
	    key[ii] = challenge[challenge_permute[KEYTYPE][ii]] ^ salt[ii];
	    response[ii] = challenge[challenge_permute[KEYTYPE][ii + 5]];


	unsigned char MIXBYTE = variant[translate_variant[KEYTYPE][VARIANT]];

	// step 1
	mix(response, MIXBYTE);
	// step 2
	mix(response, MIXBYTE);
	// step 3
	mix(response, MIXBYTE);
	// step 4
	mix(response, MIXBYTE);
	// step 5
	mix(response, MIXBYTE);
	// step 6
	mix(response, MIXBYTE);
As you can see, the algorithm is complicated, and uses more tables. These tables are defined here:


	F4  10  45  A3  E2

	C4  CD  CE  CB  C8  C9  CA  CF  CC  C5  C6  C3  C0  C1  C2  C7
	14  1D  1E  1B  18  19  1A  1F  1C  15  16  13  10  11  12  17
	24  2D  2E  2B  28  29  2A  2F  2C  25  26  23  20  21  22  27
	34  3D  3E  3B  38  39  3A  3F  3C  35  36  33  30  31  32  37
	04  0D  0E  0B  08  09  0A  0F  0C  05  06  03  00  01  02  07
	D4  DD  DE  DB  D8  D9  DA  DF  DC  D5  D6  D3  D0  D1  D2  D7
	E4  ED  EE  EB  E8  E9  EA  EF  EC  E5  E6  E3  E0  E1  E2  E7
	F4  FD  FE  FB  F8  F9  FA  FF  FC  F5  F6  F3  F0  F1  F2  F7
	44  4D  4E  4B  48  49  4A  4F  4C  45  46  43  40  41  42  47
	94  9D  9E  9B  98  99  9A  9F  9C  95  96  93  90  91  92  97
	A4  AD  AE  AB  A8  A9  AA  AF  AC  A5  A6  A3  A0  A1  A2  A7
	B4  BD  BE  BB  B8  B9  BA  BF  BC  B5  B6  B3  B0  B1  B2  B7
	84  8D  8E  8B  88  89  8A  8F  8C  85  86  83  80  81  82  87
	54  5D  5E  5B  58  59  5A  5F  5C  55  56  53  50  51  52  57
	64  6D  6E  6B  68  69  6A  6F  6C  65  66  63  60  61  62  67
	74  7D  7E  7B  78  79  7A  7F  7C  75  76  73  70  71  72  77


	C4  24  14  34  CE  2E  1E  3E  CD  2D  1D  3D  CB  2B  1B  3B
	44  A4  94  B4  4E  AE  9E  BE  4D  AD  9D  BD  4B  AB  9B  BB
	04  E4  D4  F4  0E  EE  DE  FE  0D  ED  DD  FD  0B  EB  DB  FB
	84  64  54  74  8E  6E  5E  7E  8D  6D  5D  7D  8B  6B  5B  7B
	CC  2C  1C  3C  C6  26  16  36  C5  25  15  35  C3  23  13  33
	4C  AC  9C  BC  46  A6  96  B6  45  A5  95  B5  43  A3  93  B3
	0C  EC  DC  FC  06  E6  D6  F6  05  E5  D5  F5  03  E3  D3  F3
	8C  6C  5C  7C  86  66  56  76  85  65  55  75  83  63  53  73
	C8  28  18  38  CA  2A  1A  3A  C9  29  19  39  CF  2F  1F  3F
	48  A8  98  B8  4A  AA  9A  BA  49  A9  99  B9  4F  AF  9F  BF
	08  E8  D8  F8  0A  EA  DA  FA  09  E9  D9  F9  0F  EF  DF  FF
	88  68  58  78  8A  6A  5A  7A  89  69  59  79  8F  6F  5F  7F
	C0  20  10  30  C2  22  12  32  C1  21  11  31  C7  27  17  37
	40  A0  90  B0  42  A2  92  B2  41  A1  91  B1  47  A7  97  B7
	00  E0  D0  F0  02  E2  D2  F2  01  E1  D1  F1  07  E7  D7  F7
	80  60  50  70  82  62  52  72  81  61  51  71  87  67  57  77


	00  81  03  82  06  87  05  84  0C  8D  0F  8E  0A  8B  09  88
	18  99  1B  9A  1E  9F  1D  9C  14  95  17  96  12  93  11  90
	30  B1  33  B2  36  B7  35  B4  3C  BD  3F  BE  3A  BB  39  B8
	28  A9  2B  AA  2E  AF  2D  AC  24  A5  27  A6  22  A3  21  A0
	60  E1  63  E2  66  E7  65  E4  6C  ED  6F  EE  6A  EB  69  E8
	78  F9  7B  FA  7E  FF  7D  FC  74  F5  77  F6  72  F3  71  F0
	50  D1  53  D2  56  D7  55  D4  5C  DD  5F  DE  5A  DB  59  D8
	48  C9  4B  CA  4E  CF  4D  CC  44  C5  47  C6  42  C3  41  C0
	C0  41  C3  42  C6  47  C5  44  CC  4D  CF  4E  CA  4B  C9  48
	D8  59  DB  5A  DE  5F  DD  5C  D4  55  D7  56  D2  53  D1  50
	F0  71  F3  72  F6  77  F5  74  FC  7D  FF  7E  FA  7B  F9  78
	E8  69  EB  6A  EE  6F  ED  6C  E4  65  E7  66  E2  63  E1  60
	A0  21  A3  22  A6  27  A5  24  AC  2D  AF  2E  AA  2B  A9  28
	B8  39  BB  3A  BE  3F  BD  3C  B4  35  B7  36  B2  33  B1  30
	90  11  93  12  96  17  95  14  9C  1D  9F  1E  9A  1B  99  18
	88  09  8B  0A  8E  0F  8D  0C  84  05  87  06  82  03  81  00


KEY1    01  05  03  00  07  04  02  09  06  08
KEY2    07  09  05  02  04  01  06  00  08  03
BUSKEY  00  08  03  01  07  02  04  06  09  05


	00  01  04  05  10  11  14  15  20  21  24  25  30  31  34  35
	80  81  84  85  90  91  94  95  A0  A1  A4  A5  B0  B1  B4  B5


KEY1    00  01  02  03  04  05  06  07  08  09  0A  0B  0C  0D  0E  0F
        10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  1A  1B  1C  1D  1E  1F
KEY2    0A  08  0E  0C  0B  09  0F  0D  1A  18  1E  1C  1B  19  1F  1D
        02  00  06  04  03  01  07  05  12  10  16  14  13  11  17  15
BUSKEY  12  1A  16  1E  02  0A  06  0E  10  18  14  1C  00  08  04  0C
        13  1B  17  1F  03  0B  07  0F  11  19  15  1D  01  09  05  0D
The large tables are made up of simple bit operations on the input byte, but this isn't very interesting and I won't go into details.

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