Using as: Nios II Directives

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9.31.4 Nios II Machine Directives

.align expression [, expression]

This is the generic .align directive, however this aligns to a power of two.

.half expression

Create an aligned constant 2 bytes in size.

.word expression

Create an aligned constant 4 bytes in size.

.dword expression

Create an aligned constant 8 bytes in size.

.2byte expression

Create an unaligned constant 2 bytes in size.

.4byte expression

Create an unaligned constant 4 bytes in size.

.8byte expression

Create an unaligned constant 8 bytes in size.

.16byte expression

Create an unaligned constant 16 bytes in size.

.set noat

Allows assembly code to use at register without warning. Macro or relaxation expansions generate warnings.

.set at

Assembly code using at register generates warnings, and macro expansion and relaxation are enabled.

.set nobreak

Allows assembly code to use ba and bt registers without warning.

.set break

Turns warnings back on for using ba and bt registers.

.set norelax

Do not replace any branches or calls.

.set relaxsection

Replace identified out-of-range branches with jmp sequences (default).

.set relaxsection

Replace all branch and call instructions with jmp and callr sequences.

.set …

All other .set are the normal use.

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