The MFC2 directory contains a second version of a mandelbrot set program (see Chapter 6) that uses a separate RPC server to calculate the value of each row of pixels it displays. You must have Visual C++ to compile and run this code, and you must compile it in two separate steps. First, open the file MAKEFILE using the Open option in the File menu. It will open as a project file. Select the Build option in the Project menu to compile the server. You will need to acquire the MIDL.EXE file from the SDK and move it to VC++'s BIN directory in order for the code to compile. Acquire WIN32.MAK from the INCLUDE directory of the SDK and copy it to VC++'s INCLUDE directory as well. Build the project. It will create the file MANDELS2.EXE. This is the server file. Then open the MANDELC2.MAK and build this project as well. It will create the file MANDELC2.EXE. This is the client file. Run the server in one command shell, and then run the client in another. See the book for details.