This directory contains a TCP server and client. Multiple clients can connect to the same server simultaneously. Change the DEST_IP_ADDR constant in the client code to reflect the IP address of the server. YOU MUST LOAD THE TCP/IP PACKAGE IN THE NETWORK APPLET OF THE CONTROL PANEL BEFORE ANY TCP/IP CODE WILL WORK. SEE THE BOOK "Windows NT Administration: From Single Systems to Heterogeneous Networks" FOR INSTRUCTIONS. Use MAKEFILE to compile the program with the SDK. Use MSIPSERV.MAK and MSIPCLNT.MAK and compile the two programs separately if you are using Visual C++. If you are trying to recreate the project files, BE SURE to set the "Use run-time library" field of the C++ code generation settings to "Multithreaded". Also, you will need to include the WSOCK32.LIB library.