Chapter 14 demonstrates the console capabilities of the Win32 API. It shows how to use both the raw and cooked input modes, how to integrate consoles in with MFC programs, and how to trap input events. 2buff.cpp This code demonstrates how to handle console output buffers chap11.mak Change the file in the project to compile the different examples in this directory under Visual C++. color.cpp This code demonstrates how to change character colors in a console. cooked.cpp This code demonstrates a typical "cooked" (normal) mode console. It accepts input from the user and echos it to output. cooked2.cpp This code demonstrates how to create an independent shell separate from the originating shell useing the "AllocConsole" function. events.cpp This code demonstrates how a console retrieves mouse, size and keystroke low-level events. handler.cpp This code shows how to register a handler function to trap ctrl-c, ctrl-break, etc. events. makefile Change the APP variable to compile the different files in this directory. mfc directory Contains a simple MFC program that displays output in a console. raw.cpp This code shows how to handle raw input from a console so that you can retrieve input one character at a time. raw2.cpp This code shows how to handle raw input from a console so that you can retrieve input one character at a time. This code also demonstrates how to use a normal Wait function to wait for input.