Attribute VB_Name = "APIcalls" ' This module is common to all of the Example programs ' It declares the data types and system calls required to access the Windows operating system ' Public Type Guid: Data(3) As Long: End Type 'A GUID is 16 bytes long Public Type Device_Interface_Data cbsize As Long: InterfaceClassGuid As Guid: Flags As Long: ReservedPtr As Long: End Type Public Type Device_Interface_Detail: cbsize As Long: DataPath(256) As Byte: End Type Public Type ConfigurationDataType: cookie As Long: cbsize As Long: RingBuffersize As Long: End Type Public Type HidD_Attributes cbsize As Long: VendorID(1) As Byte: ProductID(1) As Byte: VersionNumber(1) As Byte: Pad(10) As Byte: End Type ' Declare the functions from Dan Appleman's "Programmers Guide to the Win32 API" Declare Function AddressFor Lib "apigid32.dll" Alias "agGetAddressForObject" (PassedByReference As Any) As Long Declare Sub CopyBuffer Lib "apigid32.dll" Alias "agCopyData" (ByVal SourcePtr&, ByVal DestPtr&, ByVal ByteCount&) ' ' Declare the API calls that I am using Declare Sub HidD_GetHidGuid Lib "HID.dll" (GuidPtr&) Declare Function SetupDiGetClassDevs Lib "setupapi.dll" Alias "SetupDiGetClassDevsA" _ (GuidPtr&, ByVal EnumPtr&, ByVal HwndParent&, ByVal Flags&) As Long Declare Function SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces Lib "setupapi.dll" _ (ByVal Handle&, ByVal InfoPtr&, GuidPtr&, ByVal MemberIndex&, InterfaceDataPtr&) As Boolean Declare Function SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail Lib "setupapi.dll" Alias "SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetailA" _ (ByVal Handle&, InterfaceDataPtr&, InterfaceDetailPtr&, ByVal DetailLength&, _ ReturnedLengthPtr&, ByVal DevInfoDataPtr&) As Boolean Declare Function GetLastError Lib "kernel32" () As Long Declare Function CreateFile Lib "kernel32" Alias "CreateFileA" _ (ByVal lpFileName$, ByVal dwDesiredAccess&, ByVal dwShareMode&, lpSecurityAttributes&, _ ByVal dwCreationDisposition&, ByVal dwFlagsAndAttributes&, ByVal hTemplateFile&) As Long Declare Sub CloseHandle Lib "kernel32" (ByVal HandleToClose As Long) Declare Function ReadFile Lib "kernel32" _ (ByVal Handle&, ByVal BufferPtr&, ByVal ByteCount&, BytesReturnedPtr&, ByVal OverlappedPtr&) As Long Declare Function WriteFile Lib "kernel32" _ (ByVal Handle&, ByVal BufferPtr&, ByVal ByteCount&, BytesReturnedPtr&, ByVal OverlappedPtr&) As Long Declare Function DeviceIoControl Lib "kernel32" _ (ByVal hDevice&, ByVal dwIoControlCode&, lpInBuffer&, ByVal nInBufferSize&, _ lpOutBuffer&, ByVal nOutBufferSize&, lpBytesReturned&, lpOverlapped&) As Long Declare Function HidD_GetPreparsedData Lib "HID.dll" (ByVal Handle&, ByVal BufferPtr&) As Long Declare Function HidD_GetAttributes Lib "HID.dll" (ByVal Handle&, BufferPtr&) As Long Declare Function HidD_GetManufacturerString Lib "HID.dll" (ByVal Handle&, ByVal BufferPtr&, ByVal Length&) As Long Declare Function HidD_GetProductString Lib "HID.dll" (ByVal Handle&, ByVal BufferPtr&, ByVal Length&) As Long Declare Function HidD_GetSerialNumberString Lib "HID.dll" (ByVal Handle&, ByVal BufferPtr&, ByVal Length&) As Long Declare Function HidD_GetIndexedString Lib "HID.dll" (ByVal Handle&, ByVal index&, ByVal BufferPtr&, ByVal Length&) As Long Declare Function HidD_GetConfiguration Lib "HID.dll" (ByVal Handle&, ByVal BufferPtr&, ByVal Length&) As Long Declare Function HidD_SetConfiguration Lib "HID.dll" (ByVal Handle&, ByVal BufferPtr&, ByVal Length&) As Long Declare Function HidD_GetPhysicalDescriptor Lib "HID.dll" (ByVal Handle&, ByVal BufferPtr&, ByVal Length&) As Long