Public Sub Form_Load()
Call SelectMode_Click ' Set DOT mode
End Sub
Private Sub Form_MouseDown(Button%, Shift%, Xpos As Single, Ypos As Single)
' Determine which LED the mouse is over
xValue& = Int((Xpos - 120) / 240): yValue& = Int((Ypos - 1440) / 240)
If (xValue& > -1) And (xValue& < 40) And InDotMode Then
    Select Case yValue ' Toggle the LED if clicked while in DOT mode
    Case 0: LED0(xValue&).Visible = Not LED0(xValue).Visible
    Case 1: LED1(xValue&).Visible = Not LED1(xValue).Visible
    Case 2: LED2(xValue&).Visible = Not LED2(xValue).Visible
    Case 3: LED3(xValue&).Visible = Not LED3(xValue).Visible
    Case 4: LED4(xValue&).Visible = Not LED4(xValue).Visible
    Case 5: LED5(xValue&).Visible = Not LED5(xValue).Visible
    Case 6: LED6(xValue&).Visible = Not LED6(xValue).Visible
    End Select
    End If
End Sub
Private Sub SelectMode_Click()
' Toggle the select mode
If SelectMode.Left = 4200 Then
    SelectMode.Left = 4560: EntryText.Visible = False ' Dot mode
    Dot.ForeColor = RGB(255, 255, 255): Text.ForeColor = RGB(42, 42, 42) ' Grey
'    Call SetConfiguration(0)
    Else: SelectMode.Left = 4200: EntryText.Visible = True ' Text mode
    Dot.ForeColor = RGB(42, 42, 42): Text.ForeColor = RGB(255, 255, 255) ' White
'    Call SetConfiguration(1)
    End If
End Sub
Private Function InDotMode() As Boolean
InDotMode = (SelectMode.Left = 4560)
End Function
Private Sub UpdateIO_Click()
' Update the real IO device
Dim Buffer(39) As Byte
For i& = 0 To 39
    If InDotMode Then ' Fill the buffer with the DOT pattern
    Buffer(i&) = (LED0(i&).Visible And 1) + (LED1(i&).Visible And 2) + (LED2(i&).Visible And 4) + (LED3(i&).Visible And 8) + _
                 (LED4(i&).Visible And 16) + (LED5(i&).Visible And 32) + (LED6(i&).Visible And 64)
    Else ' In Text Mode.  Fill the buffer with text
    If i& < Len(EntryText.Text) Then
        Buffer(i&) = Asc(Mid(EntryText.Text, i& + 1, 1))
        Else: Buffer(i&) = 0: End If
    End If ' In DotMode
Next i&
Call WriteUSBdevice(AddressFor(Buffer(0)), 40)
If Not InDotMode Then ' Retrieve the DOT pattern from the I/O device
Call ReadUSBdevice(AddressFor(Buffer(0)), 40)
    For i& = 0 To 39
        LED6(i&).Visible = Buffer(i&) And 1: LED5(i&).Visible = Buffer(i&) And 2: LED4(i&).Visible = Buffer(i&) And 4
        LED3(i&).Visible = Buffer(i&) And 8: LED2(i&).Visible = Buffer(i&) And 16: LED1(i&).Visible = Buffer(i&) And 32
        LED0(i&).Visible = Buffer(i&) And 64
        Next i&
    End If
End Sub