' Declare some variables that will make the program easier to read
Dim isON, isOFF, Red, Black As Long

Private Sub Form_Load()
' Initialize the module's variables
isON = 3720: isOFF = 3960: Red = RGB(255, 0, 0): Black = RGB(0, 0, 0)
' Put SoftButtons in their default position
For i% = 0 To 7: SoftButton(i%).Top = isOFF: Next i% ' All Soft Buttons Off
SoftButton(1).Top = isON: SoftButton(4).Top = isON  ' Pattern used on Front Cover!
SelectFunction.ListIndex = 0 ' Select "A only"
RealLEDValue.Visible = False ' Turn off debug window
End Sub

Sub SoftButton_Click(index%)
' Toggle the SoftButton on a click
If SoftButton(index%).Top = isON Then
    SoftButton(index%).Top = isOFF
    Else: SoftButton(index%).Top = isON
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
' Check for button changes every 200msec
' NOTE: only flip the "RealButtons" and "LED(i%)" if necessary, otherwise there is flicker
Dim RealButtons As Byte: Dim RealLEDS As Byte: Dim LEDon As Boolean
' What is the value of the Real Buttons
Call ReadUSBdevice(AddressFor(RealButtons), 1)
For i% = 0 To 7
    If ((RealButtons And 1) = 1) And (RealButton(i%).Top = isOFF) Then RealButton(i%).Top = isON
    If ((RealButtons And 1) = 0) And (RealButton(i%).Top = isON) Then RealButton(i%).Top = isOFF
    RealButtons = ((RealButtons And &HFE) / 2) ' Clear Bit 0 before divide
    Next i%
' Now update the LEDs, first the Display LEDs then the Real LEDs
RealLEDS = 0
For i% = 0 To 7
    LEDon = False ' Let's assume
    RealLEDS = RealLEDS * 2
    Select Case SelectFunction.ListIndex
    Case 0: If SoftButton(i%).Top = isON Then LEDon = True  ' A only
    Case 1: If ((SoftButton(i%).Top = isON) Or (RealButton(i%).Top = isON)) Then LEDon = True ' A OR B
    Case 2: If ((SoftButton(i%).Top = isON) And (RealButton(i%).Top = isON)) Then LEDon = True ' A AND B
    Case 3: If ((SoftButton(i%).Top = isON) Xor (RealButton(i%).Top = isON)) Then LEDon = True ' A XOR B
    Case 4: If RealButton(i%).Top = isON Then LEDon = True ' B only
    End Select
    If LEDon Then ' Turn it on IFF it's not already on
        If LED1(i%).FillColor = Black Then LED1(i%).FillColor = Red
        RealLEDS = RealLEDS + 1
    Else: If LED1(i%).FillColor = Red Then LED1(i%).FillColor = Black
    End If
    Next i%
    RealLEDValue.Text = TwoHexCharacters$(RealLEDS)
End Sub