***************************************************************************** * These files are used * to enumerate 8x931AXHX device using the debugger from PLC software ***************************************************************************** * Change all source files in the project source files so that the source files path reflects the path of the project. This is a very important step, make sure that when you open the project you check all path options, you may need to add and remove source files/include files from the project in order to get the paths correct on your system. * Go into each of the individual source files and near the top there will be a couple of EQU statements for each of the Software tools that this project can be assembled under. Also go into SWITCH.INC for other various switches that MUST be set for things to work right. * Place a 1 with the assembler that is to be used and a 0 with the other assembler. * Build the project and download to the debugger. Note that you need to change LINK options when switching between RISM and ROM, the code has comments describing each, * The evaluation board/CHUB is now ready to be enumerated once the code begins executing. * NOTE that not all of the code found in these files is required for basic operation, there are many routines in this code used for internal validation purposes. FILES INCLUDED: readme.txt: this file 931axhx.pro: PLC project file hub_ep0.asm: mainly Chpt9 commands for hub hub_firm.asm: mainly Chpt11 commands for hub sv_code.asm: mainly validation tests and function routines emb_func.asm: mainly Chpt9 commands for the function and loopback code 51ser_io.asm: routines for use with debugging via the serial port 931masks.inc include file one_oh.inc: include file switch.inc: include file 8x930ax.inc: PLC 931 include file 8x930hx.inc: PLC 931 include file