; ; ONE_OH.INC: This file contains equates related to the operations under USB Spec. rev 1.0 ; It also includes equates for 82930 register manipulation ; ;<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ;bRequest Types ;>>>>>>>>>>>>>> GET_STATUS equ 00h CLEAR_FEATURE equ 01h RESERVED1 equ 02h SET_FEATURE equ 03h RESERVED2 equ 04h SET_ADDRESS equ 05h GET_DESCRIPTOR equ 06h SET_DESCRIPTOR equ 07h GET_CONFIGURATION equ 08h SET_CONFIGURATION equ 09h GET_INTERFACE equ 0Ah SET_INTERFACE equ 0Bh SYCH_FRAME equ 0Ch ; ;Descriptor Types ; DEVICE_DESCR equ 01h CONFIG_DESCR equ 02h STRING_DESCR equ 03h INTERFACE_DESCR equ 04h ENDPOINT_DESCR equ 05h ; ;Feature Selectors ; DEVICE_REMOTE_WAKEUP equ 01h ENDPOINT_STALL equ 00h ; ;Equates for clearing bits in SBI register ; EP0_TX_CLR equ 0FEh EP0_RX_CLR equ 0FDh EP1_TX_CLR equ 0FBh EP1_RX_CLR equ 0F7h EP2_TX_CLR equ 0EFh EP2_RX_CLR equ 0DFh EP3_TX_CLR equ 0BFh EP3_RX_CLR equ 07Fh ; ;Equates to access EP management variables ; EPRXPTROFFSET equ 0800h EPTXPTROFFSET equ 0802h EPDATACNTOFFSET equ 0804h ; ; Ring buffer size (actually one less...) ; RINGBUFFSIZE equ 07FFh ; ;Equates for masking registers, addresses, and counters ; RINGBUFFMASK equ 0F7FFh RINGWORDMASK equ 07FFh FIFBITMASK equ 0C0h EP0MAXPACKET equ 08h EP1MAXPACKET equ 40h EP2MAXPACKET equ 08h EP3MAXPACKET equ 08h R_ACK equ 01h R_ERR equ 02h R_VOID equ 04h R_SETUP equ 40h R_SEQ equ 80h DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR_LENGTH equ 012h GET_REQUEST_TYPE_OFFSET equ 004h SETUP_PACKET_LENGTH equ 008h ;; Vendor Set commands... CLR_DTR equ 003h CLR_RTS equ 004h SET_DTR equ 005h SET_RTS equ 006h