# ********************** START OF TERMW16B.MAK ********************** # # This is one of two make files for the Win16 test program. # This version builds the project using Borland C++. Build # the file with the following command: # # Borland : make -f termw16b.mak # # To build using Microsoft Visual C++, use termw16m.mak # CC = bcc -ml -WS -c /I..\common /I..\common16 termw16.exe : rs232.obj termw16.obj win16.obj tlink @&&| /v -Twe -c -C -x + c0wl.obj+ rs232.obj+ termw16.obj+ win16.obj termw16 termw16 import.lib+ crtldll.lib termw16.def | rs232.obj : ..\common\rs232.cpp $(CC) ..\common\rs232.cpp win16.obj : ..\common16\win16.cpp $(CC) ..\common16\win16.cpp # ********************** END OF TERMW16B.MAK **********************