# ********************** START OF TESTTERM.MAK ********************** # # This is the make file for the terminal emulation test program. # Just remove the leading comment characters from the two lines # for your compiler, then execute: # # Borland : make -ftestterm.mak # # Microsoft: nmake -ftestterm.mak # #CC = bcc -w -I..\common16 -I..\common #LINK = bcc CC = cl /W4 /AL /I..\common16 /I..\common LINK = cl /AL FILES = pc8250.obj isr_8250.obj queue.obj ansiterm.obj pcirq.obj .cpp.obj: $(CC) -c $< testterm.exe : testterm.obj rs232.obj textwind.obj msdos.obj $(FILES) $(LINK) testterm.obj rs232.obj textwind.obj msdos.obj $(FILES) rs232.obj : ..\common\rs232.cpp $(CC) -c ..\common\rs232.cpp msdos.obj : ..\common16\msdos.cpp $(CC) -c ..\common16\msdos.cpp textwind.obj : ..\common16\textwind.cpp $(CC) -c ..\common16\textwind.cpp pc8250.obj : ..\common16\pc8250.cpp $(CC) -c ..\common16\pc8250.cpp isr_8250.obj : ..\common16\isr_8250.cpp $(CC) -c ..\common16\isr_8250.cpp queue.obj : ..\common16\queue.cpp $(CC) -c ..\common16\queue.cpp ansiterm.obj : ..\common\ansiterm.cpp $(CC) -c ..\common\ansiterm.cpp pcirq.obj : ..\common16\pcirq.cpp $(CC) -c ..\common16\pcirq.cpp # ********************** END OF TESTTERM.MAK **********************